ok, I'm getting 2 15" kicker Solo L7s in my MDX.... im still not sure what amp i should get tho, im looking for something under 700 and something that will not fry all my wires and leave me with a whole bunch of other problems.... I think im going to get the 2 ohms models, if anyone has any suggestions on what to get, or if anyone has any ideas please feel free to let me know
you can go with 2 dual 2 ohm l 7s and run an mtx 81000d or the mtx 1501d both put out 1500 rms i have the 81000d and its a solid amp i got it on ebay 320 bucks shipped then take your left over money and buy a high output alternator...both those amps are rated 150 amp fuse ps....the mtx 81000d is the older amp and the 1501 d is the one that replaced it but they are the same amp with different faces thats all
Thats a good idea. I have the same subs but i managed to mess one of them up. I would go with the MTX definately. It will give you enough sound to please you and then some.
well if you get the dual 4 ohms you could get a Rockford Fosgate power 1001bd and it would push the hell out of them, my friend has a L7 15 and uses a power 501bd and it bottomed out so its obviously enough power to push it. But the 1001bd probably isnt 1 ohm satble, i read that you were probably goin to get the 2 ohm dvc. but a 2ohm load will still sound good. But thats my opinion.