I have a 1000 watt sony amp running a 15" kick comp VR, and a 500 watt sony amp running my full ranger speakers in my car, it sounds awesome, cept when i have it cranked up, my full range speakers cut out for just a second, the amp stays on and everything, but the speakers cut out, sometimes they dont do it though...i have no idea what the problem is, any help would be greatly appreciated!
I have my gains turned down on my amp....and it worked ok for a little bit, and now it is back doing the samething, only a little bit worse now, my full range speakers for full range speakers i have 2 kicker 4x6's and 2 explod 6x9s it only cuts out when the bass hits hard. any other ideas?
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your charging system my not have the power it needs to keep up w/ your amps.
I have a brand new alternator, it is not any higher amperage or anything, but i also have a 1.0 farad power cap. and it was not doing it earlier....could it be something with my RCAs or Remote? because i noticed that i can hear a high pitched noise out of my speakers now when i accelerate if the volume is turned down.
Check your grounds. Make sure your amps are grounded as close as possible to your cap(w/o makin huge runs of course). Also check your RCA connections. I installed an electronic crossover in the compartment under my armrest in my Explorer(so I could tweak while in motion ). It was a tight fit and one set of RCA's was pressed against my center pillar and forced up a lil bit. This caused some engine noise. Once I gave them some room and relieved the pressure on my Xover outs I lost my engine noise.