hey whatsup guys i have a ? i jus bought me 2 12" sony xlpod L1200b i jus wanted top kno how good or bad they r and wil they hit hard ? anything would be greatly appreciated thanx
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Hmmmmm.... IMO they should stick to making PS2 and TV's, and stay away from car audio, they ripping young kids off with flashy overrated product
agreed. sony is near the bottom of the line when it comes to car audio. they kind of just jumped into the scene to make a quick buck IMO. i mean, they came out with an hexagon sub..what next? if you can still return them for a refund i would do that ASAP and then put that money towards a much better subs(i bet they would be around the same price that you paid).
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I have a sony xplod and it is practicly the best sub in the world. The other day i went against this guy and won pretty cool story huh.