Time to upgrade my Alpine cd player head with a mp3 head. Whats anyones input on Alpine's MP3 player units? Or are they're any other brands reconmended with a price range around 200-300 bucks.
I have a CDA-9813. fantastic for MP3. very fast loading, and great options for things like folder or disc mix for random play, etc. the folder handling is very well done.
the CDA-9811 is cheaper but lacks some features. the CDA-9813 has the Vdrive internal amp which is loud and clean, for a head unit. if you plan to use all external amps though, look at the CDA-9815, which is their top model of that line of units.. has more complex features but no Vdrive amp.
the stats I saw were stated incorrectly on the retail site when I looked a while ago. hmmm if I'd known that I might have gotten a 9815. lol ahh who cares. I didn't need iPersonalize anyway.