Before i consider buying this amp(MA Audio HC4002) I would like an opinion on it. Is it good, Bad, Overated, Underated, etc It will Be powering two 18" Kicker compvr2 That I alredy have but the amp I have is not powerfull enough for them
I've been told MA Audio is just audiobahn by another name. I was gonna get an amp (HK1397) but Glass advised me otherwise, by saying the above.He suggested JBL-Avionixx-Cadence.
MA Amps are extremely powerful amps. Depends on a lot variables though. Arc, Rockford and LA have some incredibly powerful amps at reasonable prices. Before you go out and purchase an amp, what kind of budget are you on and what kind of sound are you looking for(judging by 2 18" subs...A LOT OF SOUND)...Let me know!
What I'm looking for is an amp (one if possible) That would drive these subs were good. somthing like a 2 channel that is 1ohm stable per channel or 2 mono amps 1ohm stable because I have the 2ohm dvc modle of the kicker compvr's. The reason why I asked about the MA HC4002 is because it's 2 channel 1ohm stable and puts out 1200wattsrms X 2 @ 1ohm and I can get it for around $440. But I'm also thinking about holdig that and getting 2 kicker 1200.1's but there a little more than what I want to spend.