Hey guys, my friend need some subs and he said hes willing to spend ~$200. He likes really great sound quality (crisp and tight), but said he still kind of wants to be heard (but it's not that important). Hey broke it down to about 75% SQ/ 25% SPL. I was thinking about one 12" IDQ, or an 12" RE SE, thing is the SE will require much more power. (i believe) Those were just two that i thought of in that price rage due to the suberb SQ, but also there is choices of RE 8's VMAXX's Shiva's or some compVR's
hed like to run it off my MTX 311D (RMS Power at 2 Ohms = 200 W x 1) which i told him it will be hard to do (power wise) So let me know what you think, i'm somewhat leaning towards the IDQ but i dont know. (BTW for room it's a saturn SC2 so its not much, but im pretty sure 1 12" or even 12"'s sealed would fit)
Thanks a lot guys
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Well, that's not enough power for 1 thing.....if it's truly only 200W. You could go with a single 10" Vmax, or like a single Vega HED 10 or something. Not enough for an IDQ that's for sure.
Well, for around $200, he could get a couple 12" Cerwin Vega V-Max's (300rms each) shipped for $180, or a couple 12" Kicker comp vr's (400rms each) for about the same price. I haven't heard the v-max's personally, but I hear they slam, and have good SQ.