I have a 12" in a box tuned to 38hz, and Harris Labs subsonic filters that are set to 30hz. The filter's aren't here yet, but I was wondering if I would even hear a diff. in the bass. I know I have to have them in since it's a ported box, but I thouhgt the human hear couldn't hear anything under 20hz, and 30hz and below would be incredibly low. So will I hear a difference? I am just curious.
Maybe I'm retarded, I -am- pretty new, but the impression I have is that a subsonic filter removes the subsonic bass that we can't hear, and frees up wasted power and such from the amp. Once again, maybe I'm retarded and I have the wrong idea. (If so, please correct me.)
You won't really notice a difference. 20 hz is very general and by the time you get old enough to buy subs, you'll have lost a little, most people can only hear down to maybe mid 20s. As far as the difference, you probably won't notice much of one unless you were playing test tones. Most music doesn't go below 30 hz, and if it does you usually won't hear it as much as you would feel it. If you don't use that SS filter you risk damaging your sub.