as some of you may know my attempt to get the JBL 600.1 was thwarted by an vince the evil leader of
he calls me, says sorry its out of stock i have this sweet amp the MA 1998 its 1200 watts this and that...i reply ehhh never heard of it i dont know but finally i relent when he says i can send it back for a full refund
well my amp came and its the 1997 old model MA amp, not the one he even said he would send....
I obviously need to send it back but should I cancel it on my credit card also or is that illegal? what should i do
No, I wouldn't cancel it. Contact the guy and tell him you want to send it back for either a diff. amp or to get your money back. I think it is illegal to just cancel the payment. You could wait till they get more in stock.