I was wondering if this mattered because I want to keep as much usable trunk space as possible. Say for all practical purposes a ten inch sub should have 4 Yea I know its unlikely, but bear with me, its for the sake of the question) cubic feet inside of a ported inclosure, would it matter if that enclosure, would it matter if the box was 4 ft long, 1 foot deep and 1 foot high vs. 2 ft long, 2 feet deep, 1 foot high?
there is a golden ratio but i cant rember what it is right now but one thing you dont want is a square shaped box that will affect the sound of your box at certain frequencies
A perfectly square box can have standing waves. I too cannot remember the golden ratio, but even with a perfectly square enclosure, it really doesn't matter because the waves would usually occur above subwoofer operating range. In cabinets in home audio, it makes a bigger difference, which is why you see tall cabinets