Archive through August 25, 2004

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  Thread Last Poster Posts Last Post
Are Niche amps any good?Anonymous2
Remote turn onsamasfasdf15
Where can I get a custom box?Nick B.2
Will my system pound??Nick B.16
Questionsssssssssssssssssssstimothy pardella1
Im Buying in 45 minutes. Down to 4 choices. HELP!!blare holz6
Tuning 15" vmax glass jonblare holz4
How good is the Power Acoustik MOFO-15?Adam Baker4
Looking for some new subsVisitor#783
Where can i find V-maxx and CompVr vs. V-MaxxAnonymous5
Need help with subsonic filter!!GlassWolf4
Alpine vs Cerwin VegaCarAudioFNG9
Low budget system helpCarAudioFNG7
System question. need some opinions.Lloyd B1
Jl subs and ampkevin k1
New cerwin vega stroker pro series any goodchris g3
Are audiobahn subs good?ITend2Thump5
678where to buy adire audio subs???CarAudioFNG3
Need 8 Inch free-air subwoofer? suggestionsmike b5
In need of a good amp!davids20046
I think im finaly ready to orderCory Choate1
What bass blockers?Jonez7885
15" kicker impulse, what box?Anonymous1
VMAX -erik1234564
Problem with system anyone please help.Jeff Loughrey5
Wut amp should i getVisitor#7819
Where to get Resonant Engineering subs?JayJ2
Need an answerJohn2
Glasswolf or anyone i need an alternator for a 95 monte carlo z 34GlassWolf4
Eclipse Aluminum Glasswolf...GlassWolf2
Best Way To Face My SubJoseph2
Jesse read thissean3
Removing bass from front speakerssean22
Building new slot ported boxJonathan20
Need a new free subwoofer programsean1
Couple of questions and opionshiphopanonymous2
Want a loud systemblare holz21
Rockford Fosgage / Orion SubsChace Cunning14
Pioneer amp No remoteinprogress3
Need Help Starting A SystemChris9
R these good (I think your gona laugh)!!!hiphopanonymous7
Adire Audio Koda Sub?CarAudioFNG3
Have 300RMS need a sub.John Smith7
250 dollars on a small systemsean6
I need more bassChace Cunning6
Mystery ampJeff Loughrey4
Question about the Remote Bass Level Knob...?Jeff Loughrey4
Quick Question about some wiring.Jonez7888
For splJohn Smith3
Arc XXK5150 questionsJbreddawg3
Is this box worth it?Jeff Loughrey14
Thoughts on the Kicker Comp VR124Roger O4
Quick questionJeremyC2
10w6Roger O3
Is this amp good for 2 Eclipses?Jonathan10
Trivia question for the dayJesse James38
Wattage for a brahmatony_h6
Please Help me wire my subsjustin g.13
Just took a look @ Adire Audio this the real deal?ElectricPurple14Volt5
Eclipse sw8102 10" or infinity kappa perfect 10vq ??Jonathan4
MK 1 or MK 2 BrahmaJonathan3
Could be dumb???koz2
Building a box for a X.XXCory Choate3
Subs rattling i need some help heredavids20042
Wiring a remote wireAnonymous4
Need good ampAnonymous8
Fuzz caused by subkoz14
Finalizing systemblare holz6
Subwoofer wiringHowell Davis4
2 12" sub box... please help jonsean8
Which setup?John Smith11
Is this legit?....Install-info.comsean5
1.75 cubic feet box?sean2
Need unbiased educated thoughtsJonathan2
Amp for 2 12w7'sJonathan8
Depressed need advice.. jon silent?Jonathan8
IDQ / V-Max / CvrCory Choate6
Deal??? [Kicker comps]Jesse James19
Port NoiseBryan B2
2 capacitorsmackevion6
Finding a boxdavids20044
Alpine Type R, set up advice whats wrong?hiphopanonymous4
Private Messages????????Anonymous5
Blown sub?Jeff Loughrey4
Could this be the problem?Jonathan5
Working out a system, I need tips from the experienced...Jonathan7
Anybody have any reviews on the re sx 12 subsAnonymous1
Shiva, Vmaxx or MTXThunder 7500Jeff Loughrey1
MTXRobbie Brown3
Q Logic Dual 12" Enclosure Type 4Jeff Loughrey2
Buying subsJeff Loughrey2
MOFO infoJesse James21
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