hey my friend has a 15" L7 in his car he has it in a small sealed enclosure. I just ordered a brahma 15" have a 3.8ft^3 box tuned to about 40hz. should i be able to beat him?
the brahma will beat the L7 like a redheaded stepchild. the rapeage will be so ridiculous that the sphincter of whoever owns the L7 will become wider than the sub itself.
You'll definately beat him, especially with that box. Brahma 15" alone is capable of over 150 by itself, has much more excursion than an L7. Run a subsonic filter if possible so you won't destroy the sub.
no question, the brahma will destroy the L7. with a ported box, the brahma will be sure to pound. maybe it'll be close if he had a ported box as well, but still, i'd go with the brahma.
Even if the L7 is ported he'll still have no problem beating him with a Brahma, assuming his vehicle has decent cabin gain, or his similar to the guy he's competing with.