hi im going to be purchasing one Perfect 12" sub. i dont know lots about car audio so what kind of box would sound alot smoother. i dont liek alot of really hard thumping type bass that will make my trunk rattle just smooth lows. should i put it in a ported, sealed or bandpass box? and what is a good amp to use for it?
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Hi, If you don't want your car to rattle, then get a sealed box, but you need to have a good amp, 500w and up. If you have a lower watt amp, then get the bandpass box.The bandpass would help make it louder with a less watt amp. I just bought 2 Infinity Reference 12", and I'm gonna use a sealed box.
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For Low Sweet sound, Go Bandpass, you will get a low controlled tone that will be focused. For an Infinite Perfect 12" you should probably go with the Rockford Fosgate 250 MONO amp or the 500BD mono, Due to it will put out 250 RMS (the 250 will put out 250watts at 2ohms and like 125 at 4ohms) (but the 500 will do 500 watts at 2 ohms or 250 at 4ohms)and that is JUST in range with the Perfect 12". Have fun and nice choice of woofer!
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I have two kenwood 12" in a ported plexi speaker box. I know they could hit harder.i want that hard thump. im running a kenwood 600 wat amp on them would a sealed box make it hit harder.
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The best subwoofer on the market now are Diamonds.. If u don't believe me check them out for yourselves.