Possible Blown fuse?


joey naddl
Unregistered guest
ok, a screwdriver accidently fell on my amp where all the electrical connections, and a spark occured and now i have no audio sounds.

the 2 fuses on the amp work, amp light goes on, and the fuse from the amp kit is good.

New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 257
Registered: 12-2003
you fried the amplifier.
next time take the fuses out before you monkey with amplifier connections.

joey naddl
Unregistered guest
THe protection light is off and the amplifiers light still goes on, so shouldnt the amp be working properly?

New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 268
Registered: 12-2003
apparently not.
you may have blown out the finals in the amplifier.
you could always bench test it or take it into a shop and have a pro test it out.

Unregistered guest
i took the subs out for a night and drove the next day without them and left the amp in. i try to put the subs back in and the amp light doesnt work. i go to the battery and see whats wrong and touch the fuse under the hood and sparks flew.. whats wrong
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