Anyone own any Crunch amplifiers. I have the largest one they make in the V-Drive line and either i have other issues with my system or its a piece of shlt. It is suppose to be a 1000 watt (i think, maybe more) amplifier. I have it hooked to my two mtx 6000 whcih only push 250 rms a piece. This amp should have no problem pushing my subs, but it cuts out and shuts down all the time when the volume or bass is up.
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It's most likely how the subs are hooked up to the amp. These are 4ohm subs... Are they the dual voice coil or single voice coil model? And how are they wired to the amp?
I'm not sure if they are single or do you tell? I didn't install them myself, but there is just two small speaker wires coming out of my sub box and running into my L+ and R- slots in the amplifier. How should the subs be wired if it's single or dual coil? Thanks for your help
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You'll probably have to take the subs out of the box to find out. I don't believe there's anything on the 6000s cone to tell you if it's SVC or DVC. If it's SVC there will only be one set of wires going to each sub. If it's DVC there will be 2 sets of wires going to each sub. Please give exact model of amplifier
And your subs are single voice coil 4ohm woofers. I think the best way to get the most out of that amp is to just wire each speaker to one channel, i think you might have them bridged to that one channel and with those speakers its leaving you at a 2ohm load which that amp cant handle
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How can you just be so sure Joseph? The SVC and DVC of this model are both 4ohm and both rated at 250wRMS. You cannot tell by looking at the sub in a box.
from my knowledge of that model mtx sub they were single coiland didnt become dvc until the 7000 model all of which have been discontinued, but they did come in a 2 and 4 ohm model. most shops dont sale the 2 ohm version unles you specifically ask for it. but do a search type in your speaker model number or go to and check it out, its a single coice.
aLrIgHT... I took a look in my box today. The subs are 4 ohm and single voice coil. The wiring looks like this: There are two wires running from my left sub to my right sub. Then there is two more wires running off of my right sub and out to my single terminal. Is this correct?
the only way to keep everything running safely is to wire each sub to a channel that way each each channel will stay at a 4 ohm load, and Jay was right you played it safe if you dont know always look at it, i had remebered doing an install with those speakers.
So mine is wired incorectly? Becasue on my amplifier i only have two wires going into it from the sub box. But if i was to do it correctly id have to have two terminal on my box right?
that box was made for a one channel amp but im gonna show how to rewire it your going to need another set of wires. where they meet at that terminal in the box take off one of the subs off of it and wire it seperatly to the amp. just squeeze the wire through the side of the terminal on the box, now connect one channel of the amp to the terminal in the box and the other channel to the other sub that you ran the wires from and you should be straight.
So just run one set of wires from the one sub through the terminal, and then run a new set of wires from the other sub around the terminal and into the amplifier. So i will have four wires hooked into my amp. instead of two correct? And this should decrease the work that the amplifier has to do?