

New member
Username: Maca_ab

Inverell, NSW Australia

Post Number: 2
Registered: Aug-04
This isnt really about car audio but what my problem is is that when my high beam is turned on my fuse gets really hot and melts. It has never actually blown but ends up melting all the plastic and just leaving the wire link. Ive put in a bigger fuse (even though ur not meant to) and still no change. If anyone can tell me why it would do that it would be appreciated.


Silver Member
Username: Davids2004

Houston, TX USA

Post Number: 548
Registered: Jun-04
It could be that your high beams are pulling too much current therefore melting the wire and all. Are they aftermarket bulbs?

Bronze Member
Username: Joe718

Post Number: 82
Registered: May-04
i had that problem when i installed hid lights in my friends explorer. like david said if you intalled afer market bulbs or an hid setup you will have to upgrade your fuse.

Bronze Member
Username: Jbreddawg

Deerfield Beach, Fl USA

Post Number: 36
Registered: Jul-04
You can't just upgrade the fuse unless you want to burn your car to the ground. The reason it's getting so hot it melts is it is drawing to much current. If the correct size fuse is used it should blow. Chances are you have probably upgraded your bulbs to the higher wattage types. If that is the case, you will need to get a high current relay setup . The original wire from your headlights will trigger the relay that has bigger wire "able to carry more current " to your bulbs and thereby not burning your car up. Never put in a bigger fuse without finding out what the problem is.

Bronze Member
Username: Joe718

Post Number: 84
Registered: May-04
thats exactly what we did its just the relay that we had we didnt know exactly what fuse rating it needed so we went with what the factory had in the car and it wasnt strong enough. it wasnt really an aftermarket setup it came out of an mitsubishi
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