I have a JBL bp600.1 and my lites dim when the bass hits (only have a 100A stock alt)
I found a "200A" alt on ebay but it says that it will provide "100A at idle" and "200A max"...(alterstart is the co. that sells it) is this a crap rating like max wattage or is this just how they rate alts???
would this be a good alt to use w/ my JBL bp600.1? I can get it for bout $220 shipped, is this a good deal?
one other thing...should i maybe add a deep cycle bat. to my truck???
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can someone please help me out here...
i need to buy an alt as soon as i can!!! ...if this doesnt sound like a good alt., where ca i get one that is???
The 200 amp sounds good. Your 100A stock amp is probably only pushing out 50-60 amps at idle. Do you notice when you stop the car the dimming is worse? That is the idle amperage. So get the 200A alt. It should take care of the dimming problem. You would only really need a deep cycle battery if you are playing the music a lot without the engine on. You may want to try a capacitor first but they are expensive and usually don't help much. I would invest in the new alternator.
Get the alternator first, it isn't a crap rating, all alternators put out less amperage at lower RPM's. Then you can consider a capacitor to help with sudden music peaks.