Nissan juke radio code


New member
Username: Birkan

Post Number: 1
Registered: Aug-24
Hello, my Nissan Juke requires a radio code after the battery is replaced, but I do not have the code. I would be happy if you could help me. Thank you in advance.
serial number:7293702
device number:7612830096

Platinum Member
Username: Regrooster

Post Number: 17157
Registered: Aug-08
This Nissan code has to be obtained from the Nissan Dealer database
so will NOT be free from anywhere on the internet.

Silver Member
Username: Palaghia77

BT, Romania

Post Number: 803
Registered: Sep-17
Code by serial,Antitheft contact
Whatsapp: +40729292575
Skype : +40729292575
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