Bosch 7620000009 Radio Code


New member
Username: Markv

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-24
I messed up big time by detaching negative pole.
I'm asking for a code for:

Bosch 7 620 000 009
815 CM0009 A 7957369
A 000 44 636 62
034953 MB Truck Base Low

Label is ripped from previous van owner, probably accidentally, on the serial number side, but barcode is still readable so I think I got the correct numbers. Barcode data is: 795736976200000092

Can you please help me?
Thank you!

Gold Member
Username: Iwos


Post Number: 6563
Registered: Jul-14
New member
Username: Markv

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-24

Code is . . 0655 > <

Do what is necessary so that we can help you in the future.
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