When installing a head unit, do you guys solder the wire or do you use wire nuts, or crimps. Is there a "must-do" method among audiofiles????? Thanks!!!!
I use wiring harnesses. I solder the harnesses and cover them in heat shrink tubing when I'm taking my time. (read, when I'm not being paid by the piece or by the hour heh)
solder makes the best connection IF you know how to solder. heat shrink tubing comes in all sorts of colors, and it won't unravel over time (gotta buy GOOD elec tape to get good results that way.. like 3M) the harnesses allow easy snap-in installs and uninstalls without any cutting of the factory harnesses.
anyone know wat wires are wat in a 98 chevy blazer, when i took me original deck out, i remember wat went where but when i tried to put my new deck in just the same it didnt work, wats up, HELP