Will this work?


Bronze Member
Username: Thevgmaster23

Post Number: 13
Registered: Jun-04
i have a question. i was planning on upgrading to some jl 12 w7's but i've read somewhere that they run at three ohms. my amp runs 1,2, and 4, but not 3. will a jl w7 work with this amp?

the amp puts out 500 watts at 4, 1000 watts at 2, and 2000 watts at 1 ohms. it's an Audiobahn A1500HCT. and don't give me sh*t cause it's says audiobahn. tru that their subs suck, but their amps kick a**. i'm running this amp right now and it's shakin my car to pieces (literally). neway, can someone please help me on what to do about this?

Silver Member
Username: Its_bacon12

Hfl, Ny Usa

Post Number: 971
Registered: Dec-03
your amp wil put 750w rms at 3 ohms, which is about perfect for 1 12w7

1500w rms at 1.5 which is also perfect for 2 12w7's

not bad
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