im looking at 2 10" RE X-X-X's. First, what should i get for an amp, enclosures, and a head unit that would be great gor X-X-X's and really exploit them. Second how much would that all cost, including subs. Someone do my homework?
the subs are $360 each. I was off earlier. the 12" are $420 each. I got them mixed up. I had the prices for 10 12 and 15 bouncing around in my head. the 10" weigh 55 lbs each
box.. depends on musical tastes, but you can go slot vented, tuned to 30Hz, 2cu ft net volume per sub. amps, you want to give each sub about 1Kw of power RMS ideally so plan on a pair of 1000 watt amps (@ 2 ohms each) which will run you about $350-1200 each depending on the amps you want to go with.