Good afternoon everyone. My old Nissan Primastar (2003) has now decided that it needs a code that I simply cant find anywhere! Im not very good with technology and its taken me almost two hours to get here so if I make a mess of things please dont shout at me! Any help would be appreciated!
Model No : 22DC259/62 Then in the middle of the sticker is: TOU661 RN259F30351823. Prod No: FDO703170351823 Over on the right hand side: 7700434436TU661 Under that is: 7700 434 436 --D
I truly hope that the above makes sense to someone!
Hi,try code 5396 If I helped you, then I'm waiting for a donation. I will be happy with any amount. PayPal: contact: Details in Viber, WhatsApp: +380992307916 Peace to Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine! BR Victor REZON Ukraine