I Had to change the battery on my Nissan Note and since then the Radio has been asking for a code. The radio code I have is from an other radio, maybe the owner before change the radio. Can anybody help me retrieve this code?
The Part number is 7645387618 The serial Number is BP 538 75751616 Any Help will be much appreciated
Hello I had the same injury, I had change the battery and I lost de Car audio code. Nissan Note 2008. Clarion Co.,ltd Made in Hungary NISSAN PART NO. 28185 9U20A MODEL NO. PN-3000P SERIAL NO. PN3000PA 0006423
Hello I had the same injury, I had change the battery and I lost de Car audio code. Nissan Note 2007 Serial number BP 538962416003 Part number 7645389318
New member Username: Peter47 ================ Hello, Donations are accepted here Paypal : c.r.t.m.auto@gmail.com Your code is . . 2615 My contact : c.r.t.m.auto@gmail.com
Hello, I have quite the same problem... I have a Nissan note 2006 and lost my autoradio code... I think it is 0146 but when I enter it, it says wrong, while I was pretty sure that was the good code.
Serial Number : BP 7 645 387 318 And I have another number on my radio : 69678 162
Hi! I have a car radio in my Nissan Note 1.4 (2008) that's locked. It's a blaupunkt MMR#2 CD-G Part number 7 647 383 318 Serial number BP 7383 8 7811663