Hello all, in about a month and a half I'm going to be putting a system in my 2003 Trailblazer LT and I need some help. The largest system I have done is 2,000 watts, I want to double that now. I'm looking at 2 15" American Bass HDs and possibly either 1 Taramps HD 5000 ran at 2 ohms or 2 VFL4800.1Ds. I am going to be doing my big 3 with Sky High Car Audio 0 gauge and I will have a 250 amp HO alternator from DB Electrical. My questions are: 1. Do I need 1 or 2 batteries in the back? I know someone that works for Johnson Controls and can get me at least 1 battery for $50. 2. If anyone knows about Johnson Controls, what's the best battery I can get for starting and which one for the back? 3. Will I need to have more than 1 run of 0 gauge to either of those amps? 4. Anyone build boxes? I think that is all I need, any positive answers/comments are welcome. Thanks all!