Sub cone is getting hot


New member
Username: Dustinv

Post Number: 1
Registered: Mar-17
Need some help please, i just bought a pretty simple setup compared to what ive seen and am having an issue..
I used 6 gauge power wire and ground wire, everything is pioneer, 12" sub is TS-W126M, and amp is GM-A5702. I set gain using a multimeter and the sub is bridged, i have my gains set at high and sub boost at, ive had the set up for about a week now but in the last couple hours my sub cone is hot and smells like its burning

New member
Username: Tommyp

Post Number: 1
Registered: Mar-17
Man, that sounds bad. How much space is behind the subs? You should give it some room with air to cool down the equipment.
A friend of mine has the Pioneer TSSWX2502 which has a sealed enclosure and has no problem with heat.
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