Renault (Delphi Electronics and Safety) radio code


New member
Username: Sorozatgyilkos

Post Number: 1
Registered: Oct-15

I have two Renault (Delphi Electronics and Safety) radios, but there are no security code on them, or in the serial numbers. I tried so many calculators, but it said that the serial numbers are wrong. Can you help me somehow?

First one is:

Part no.: 28239676
P/N: 7421458718 (Assembly)
P/N: 21458736 (HW)
Bar code (top): 89FKDDB112515125
Bar code (back): 14620613322028

The second one:

Part no.: 28239676
P/N: 7421458718 (Assembly)
P/N: 21458736 (HW)
Bar code (top): 89FKDDB212425044
Bar code (back): 14620609122021

Thank you a lot!

Silver Member
Username: Tech13

Post Number: 191
Registered: Aug-15
New member
Username: Sorozatgyilkos


Sorry we can't help Main Dealer or a Decoding Service only for this code

New member
Username: Sorozatgyilkos

Post Number: 2
Registered: Oct-15
I'm not a dealer or a decoding service, my friend works in a truck service and he got these from his boss, because they changed them to newer ones. He wants to use them in his car, but he doesn't know the codes for them, and I wanted to help him, because he can't speak english.
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