hi, bought a Renault laguna and the radio code- 7962 does not work. MODEL RENDW100-10 RNRD0140143216 PROD NO:FD0204020143216 U040 SECURITY Need radio code please. Help it will be much appreciated.
I am the proud owner of my Lagua and I do have the code for the radio. BUT.... When I power up the radio it displays CODE but it is NOT blinking. I have no idea how to enter the code so the radio can be unlocked. It has steering wheel connection and I have no idea if we can or have to eter the code through the steeringwheel or regular buttons. Anyone an idea how to handle?
I have a problem with the radio code. when I enter the code that comes out to me via the app it doesn't work. Security cod S722 7236 the code doesn't work