USB format and video format for USB device to plug into XAV-68BT


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Username: The_dv8or

Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-14
I just bought a Sony XAV-68BT, and Im having a hell of a time getting movie files to play from a USB drive. I keep getting "Unsupported format" on the screen. I formatted the drive as FAT. Anyone know what settings I should use to convert the file in Handbrake? Im using a Mac to process the files, but if I REALLY have to use a PC, I guess I can.

New member
Username: Vishal22kar007

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-14
I just bought a Sony XAV-68BT, and Im having a hell of a time getting movie files to play from a USB drive. I keep getting "Unsupported format" on the screen.So how I to play videos by USB port in Sony XAV-68BT?
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