Ok I got some Kicker KS693 and KS60 about a year ago and I'm kind of tired of them and feel like an upgrade but I dont which to buy because I am thinking of either switching to all Alpine Type R's or switching to Infinity Kappa coaxials. But if anyone else can recommend any really good 6x9 and 6 or 6.5" speakers please comment, but out of the ones I listed which is better the Alpine Type R's or the Infinity Kappas, I'm looking for a little more bass but I would also appreciate good sound quality.
There are hi end 6x9s from Focal and Hertz, for 6.5s there are many from cheap to expensive, on the cheaper side you have Polk, HAT with more than decent midbass. In *any* case use them with an amp not directly from the HU.