Question about speakers


New member
Username: Theswank

Post Number: 7
Registered: Nov-12
I've been looking at the speakers above in the link but I've noticed that a cross over isn't included. I've read somewhere that the cross overs are built in but it doesn't say anything on the website about it. So do I need a cross over or is it really built in?

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Username: Joe1234

Post Number: 1719
Registered: May-09
The tweeters have a high pass filter connected inline the tweeter cables, many really cheap component speakers come this way.

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Username: Dirtdog8133

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-12
where can I find "ADS" car speakers ?? They used to be made in Massachusetts. Are they still and do they have a website ??

New member
Username: Dirtdog8133

Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-12
Where can I buy new "ADS" car speakers ??? The ones made in Massachusetts.

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Username: Carroll08

Post Number: 4
Registered: Dec-12
I think you should contact to the website who are selling this. and make sure that cross over is included or not because if anyone tell you wrong that it have and when you order it and it will don't have it then its bad for you.
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