HI! I have the code för the radio but have problem to come in to set. When I start the radio I have four zeros who blinking and when I set the numbers it not bleeping or stopping blinking? when I try again and hold number 5 down an start, it saying CODE and then it go over to blinking 4 zeros but when I turn the wheel no numbers comming up, it is blocking? what do I doing wrong! Pierre
Godmorning! Iwill ask if I need to hold number 5 when I switch on the power ? because when I start now the radio goes with a pling every 3 secund and after tre minutes it go over to CODE and then 4 diggits, I set my code but it is not a pling and the numbers blinking hole time?
Hi ! When the radio playing and the blip sound and code blinking every 3 sec in 3 min then it stop and the code show up and go over to 4 zeros I put in my cod 2778 from the fabrik but it not blip or regestrate it only going on to blinking? Can the radio lost the cod if it do I send you my radionumbers in pictures. Perhaps I most buy new radio? its good sound but I dont wont to start every 3 min and listen to blip code. when I put in number 5 and start its happend notthing blank monitor. vgh Pierre
Pierre Hedqvist New member Username: Pirrepierre '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
(Note :If you don't have the [¬ ] button then push the thumbwheel in and some will have an [ ¬ ] button )
Turn on the radio and the display will show 'CODE' then 0000
Use the Steering Wheel Remote Controls for code entry.
Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct first digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct second digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct third digit Press the [¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct fourth digit
If the correct code is now shown on screen, press and hold the [¬] button for up to 10 seconds to store the code
Press the First Preset Button repeatedly for the 1st digit to be displayed Press the Second Preset Button repeatedly for the 2nd digit to be displayed Press the Third Preset Button repeatedly for 3rd digit to be displayed Press the Fourth Preset Button repeatedly for 4th digit to be displayed
Then press and HOLD Preset button 6 for 10 seconds to store your code
(Note :Some radios use Preset Button 5 to store the code ) ====================================================
Hi! I have never had CODE in the displayer when i start up the power only radio who is playing and beeping and code flashing in 3 sec and after 3min the radio stop playing and} the code is comming up and then the four digits. I set my cod 2778 and nothing happens only blinking? I wonder if I had the right cod perhaps the radio have lost it? vgh Pierre
Godmorning! yes I press the final buttom for severel minutes but nothing happens. for 2 years ago I set the radio with this code 2778 and it was not a problem. this time it will not bleeping when I set digit number whit the steerwheel and nothing happend in final buttom. shall I try another cod from you? the radio is going for 3 minutes and stop, the code comes up and go over to zeros, I put the numbers and nothing happend, no pling only blinking numbers? I have taken off the power and set it again and the radio start playing music for 3 min, no code text directly? vgh pierre
Okey! I shall try to leave the radio on and not disturbed when the code and digit had come on the screen. If i wait in two ours perhaps digit numbers bleeping and will be registrated so I can use the final buttom to start the radio. I will thank you for your help and information and for the time you have giving my problem. vgh Pierre
Hi again! I have been to the car demolation station and buy a new radio but have no code so the old radio I think is caputt. can you give me a code for this radio? vgh Pierre