=================================== Here is a video showing how to remove a standard radio from the dashboard. A pair of extractors are required (available from Ebay etc ) but these can be made from 2 pieces of bent, wire coat-hanger or 4 small drills(using the blunt end) or 4 small Allen Keys or 4 small screwdrivers or 4 nails or even 4 darts.
An assistant is useful to pull the radio out whilst you are releasing the 4 securing clips
note: on most Vauxhall radios , these 4 holes are protected by 4 small screws. These can be unscrewed using the appropriate size of Allen key. ====================================================
Press and hold AS button and the ON button at the same time
Display Shows SAFE then goes to 10 - - - - with a "Beep" from the speaker
Press Preset Button " 1 "repeatedly until the 1st Digit of your Code is displayed Press Preset Button " 2" repeatedly until the 2nd Digit of your Code is displayed Press Preset Button " 3" repeatedly until the 3rd Digit of your code is displayed Press Preset Button " 4" repeatedly until the 4th Digit of your code is displayed
If the display now shows the correct Code number then
Press Button AS and hold to Enter and if successful there should be a "Beep" from the speaker and the radio should switch on