What does anyone think of these subs in General: HDC312 Copper Coil Sub woofer? Now how would they compare to say a JL of similar size, or ID Max, if they are still in business.
I don't know which way I'm going yet as far as SQ or SPL, but just in General throw out some ideas? I will be getting 2 of them, and also is there someone on here that can build a box and ship it designed for any subs? I'm sick of pre made junk!!! Thank you!
Fi can build a gcon xcon etc? lol thats funny...they should advertise that.
im getting 2 dc level 3's for 640 shipped, thats after taxes, border fees, duties, brokerage. theyre 900w rms. i live in canada and theyre coming from the states. the hdc3 18 is $309 new and is +100w rms higher rated.
look at the fs of the hdc3's
Fs 10=41 Hz / 12=43 Hz / 15=38 Hz / 18=31 Hz
get the 18 for daily/lows. the level 3 is more efficient by 1 db. both 3" coils.
the grand total for 2 hdc3 18's is $1084 USD after standard shipping, duties, taxes, fees.
so basically... if you're not from the states, which you are, get level 3's instead.
You would be paying $837.12 for 2 hdc3 18's. pretty high... i wonder what you could get level 3's for... or even obsidian 18's for that matter. i hear those hammer the lows, yes even the 12". it's 189 for the 18". 600W. like a smaller Fi SSD. for the price of buying 2 hdc3 18's you could buy 4 obsidian 18's. i dont know how much space you have so substitute whatever i say for what you can fit.
best box builder around is dustin @ DLdesignz.com. 300-400 for a 4 cubic foot ported box with the works (45 degree corners, kerfed port, carpet) ETC.
they'd smash the w7 and idmax in output but not sq. image dynamics closed.
You might as well go for a lot of output with a flair of sound quality. 35 hz port tuning, lots of space (2.5 cubes per 12"), lots of port area. slightly over power them. set the gains correctly and have good electrical. will be loud and musical.