hello guys! I was woundering if any of you cud help me a litle bit. i have Power Acoustik OVN2- 1250 Gothic series 2Ch Amplifier i just got it as a gift from a friend, it is completle unused and i was useing it for about a week and then i broke. The proplem is that the Protect light is on and the amplifier will not turn on, or i will go in like 1 sec and turn of wait 5 sec, and then he turnes back on and after 1 sec he turnes off. i have cheack the +12V or the power cabel, remote and the earth none of them is the problem. Has any one ever had this problem and could maby give me a clue what is wrong or has any idea what might be broken? And i'm terreble sorry for my bad english :$. Greetings
well that did not work, the amp stop working normaly when i was driving, and i it work fine before that and all, i open it and look inside it did not see anything broken or dameged.
-gain is turned up too high causing amplifier to clip as noted above. -ground or power wire is loose or too small, again causing amp to clip and enter thermal protection -your subwoofer(s) is/are blown, causing a short across the speaker leads, thus thermal protection -amplifier failed due to being a cheap piece of junk, and needs to be sent back under wawrranty. PA isn't the greatest brand, to be honest, but it should not die in a week.
If it did fail that fast, it's very likely you had the amp driven into hard clipping, and you need to a: set your gain properly, and b: get a sufficient charging system to handle the current draw of the amplifier(s)