Blaupunkdt (BMW Business CD) Security Code


New member
Username: Mo_usmc

Post Number: 1
Registered: Mar-12
I bought a used 2001 BMW Z3 which has a "Business CD" radio.

I believe the radio is actually manufactured by Blaupunkdt.

The Serial number on the radio is Y8172841.

The code that came with the car has a 9 in it, and I can't figure out how to key in the number 9. Anytime I hit one of the preset numbers it enters the actual number I enter. I've already locked myself out of it once.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you might be able to provide.

Platinum Member
Username: Regrooster

Post Number: 10007
Registered: Aug-08
Is this an American Z3 ?

If so then it will require a five digit code in the range 11111-66666

Try emailing

to see if they can help

Mention this forum

If not American , then remove the radio from the dashboard and post all the letters and numbers on any labels or stamped in the metal casing.
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