I have a 500/1 that ive been having problems with. When I wire it up the amps power light will turn on for about 15 seconds and turn off. The amp will not turn on at all unless I pull out the power wire and put back in. Anyone have any experience with this kind of problem?
Retried with same result. =/ My audiopipe 1800 works just fine on my FI Q 12 wired @ 2 ohm. The JL doesn't want to stay on, it doesnt go into protect at all for low impedence or low voltage ect. Also the remote wire doesnt even have to be in it to come on. Is that a feature or a defect?
I tried that already with same result, then I saw on the amp that the Signal Sensing was turned on. I tried to turn it on with SS off and it came to life and started playing like new.
I dont know if its because my remote wire is ran to a toggle or because I have a 2nd battery installed, but it works now and I am happy with that.