R.I.P. ecoustics


Bronze Member
Username: Excursion

Post Number: 83
Registered: Jan-08
rest in peace ecoustics.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25294
Registered: Jun-06
I agree. This place is dead,

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4486
Registered: Mar-07

Gold Member
Username: Loc_out


Post Number: 3343
Registered: Feb-05
Yep been trying to bring it back with a buid log but i get not input no comment.

Gold Member
Username: Joe1234

Post Number: 1165
Registered: May-09
Don't think that anyone here can do a thing, it's kind funny to see how just adding a pretty interface and some useless features can draw traffic... IMO the owners here are just letting it die out, take whatever revenue they can still get.. and then be done with it.

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 15 = 153 DBs ...Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 17124
Registered: Jul-05
so in case E actually dies 1 day what other forums do u guys hang out in ?

most ppl wud be on smd & ssa forums right ? ....

Gold Member
Username: Loc_out


Post Number: 3344
Registered: Feb-05
I spend a good amount of time at CACO sometimes CA.

Diamond Member
Username: Bestmankind

Post Number: 23794
Registered: Oct-05
Maybe it's the car audio scene that is kinda dying down. I am hearing less and less loud bass on the streets and the competition scene seems to be dying down a lot.

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 15 = 153 DBs ...Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 17126
Registered: Jul-05
economy is pretty tight all over the world so probably some guys wud have had to cut back on how much $ they spend on car audio ...

Diamond Member
Username: Bestmankind

Post Number: 23796
Registered: Oct-05
Yeah true Rovin.

I understand the OG members here moving on from the car audio scene but there should be new members having interest. I just don't see that these days. Plus the new cars these days come with pretty decent sound. I know it's nothing compared to having an after market system but I gotta admit, it sounds good. Also the way the dash board is designed these days, having an after market stereo in it's place just doesn't look as good. Not to mention in a lot of cars the factory stereo also controls the AC and other stuff.

Silver Member
Username: Allthingsfresh

Post Number: 185
Registered: Apr-10
^^^ Very true.

Gold Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 1404
Registered: Jun-06
You guys should know how things work now-a-days. People will find interest for a few years, then it will die down and then come back randomly.It's just a big rollercoaster ride

Gold Member
Username: Loc_out


Post Number: 3346
Registered: Feb-05
That's why we shouldn't buy new cars lets keep buying old cars.

Platinum Member
Username: Nyyfan13

Northern VA

Post Number: 12179
Registered: Jul-06
I've started to help people and type out responses but gave up half way through. I don't post on any forums these days anymore. Hell, I'm barely on Facebook anymore.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25303
Registered: Jun-06
We go through this every so often here on E. New car construction isn't as friendly to aftermarket ad ons as it used to be for good reason. The more complicated the electrical system means less room for unanticipated additions to it. Let's face it, with every new model comes a more fine tuned engineered product. Hell I used to be able to change my radiator and water pump out of my 1984 Buick with only one trip to to Pep Boys and a 6 pack. Today? Even standard oil changes are a mess and require special tools. Buddy's 1972 Nova? I used to be able to stand inside the engine bay. Try that in ANY of today's cars. NOT gonna happen lol.

Silver Member
Username: Stubbs563

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Post Number: 248
Registered: Feb-10
This place got me started on car audio, sad to see this thread when i got here today.

Gold Member
Username: Somedonniedude

Illinois Braaap MX

Post Number: 3245
Registered: May-07
These new vehicles suck for aftermarket integration. Alot of vehicles have 12v ignitions but 5v accessories, so even just a deck rplacement on requires special $100+ wiring harnesses.

Silver Member
Username: Brynm

Saskatchewan Canada

Post Number: 281
Registered: Jul-05
I'd honestly kind of forgotten about this place until stumbling back on it just now. Starting to think up a new system after having had the same one for a few years.

Gold Member
Username: Drivingreckless

DD 9515f, 148.2 db Mov...

Post Number: 5839
Registered: Apr-06
I was thinking hey let me check on ecoustics and low and behold my initial thoughts that this place cant be doing so well after years has now just been proven. Still seems like theres the select few that just never choose to leave tho.

Silver Member
Username: M0nkeyman692

Post Number: 605
Registered: Feb-07
whatever happens to this site i appreciate all the effort members have put into it over the years. this was the site that taught me everything i know about car audio and without it i would have been much less into building systems for myself or for friends.

Gold Member
Username: Hdubb


Post Number: 4354
Registered: Nov-04
hmmmm it is pretty dead. i have moved no from car audio honestly. and i got sick of seeing the same freakin posts every other day. seems no one wants to research what they want and learn how to do it them selves. they want to be told what to buy and have someone else do it. lazy as.s society

Diamond Member
Username: Bestmankind

Post Number: 23803
Registered: Oct-05
Whatever happened to M.S.?

Does he still hate on Pioneer headunits?

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4488
Registered: Mar-07
Haven't seen M.S. on here in a while.

Had my 780 for over 4 years now and it is still going strong. Pioneer ftw.

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 15 = 153 DBs ...Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 17136
Registered: Jul-05
my premier 860 is about 6yrs old & i never had any problems with it

man this place is so stagnant that u cud prolly post pix of nekid wimmen & the admin wouldnt even see it ....

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25321
Registered: Jun-06
THAT'S what we're missing!!!!!Upload

Silver Member
Username: Dloco486

Post Number: 194
Registered: Apr-11
don't want tha site to die :'( this is where i learnt wut to lookfor in a hu amp and how to tell true wattage of an amp and other $h!t! this whole thread breaks my heart.

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 17188
Registered: Jun-04
Even after this site dies ill still be collecting car audio.

Gold Member
Username: J_baby15

United States

Post Number: 2246
Registered: Feb-06
Seems like things aren't going great here. I pop in every once in a while to read a thread... but rarely post anymore.

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 15 = 153 DBs ...Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 17176
Registered: Jul-05
SSA & SMD forums have some really good monster builds these days ....

Silver Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 811
Registered: Oct-10
fck this place you all suck

Gold Member
Username: Naledge503

Portland, OR USA

Post Number: 4479
Registered: Jul-06
I send my condolences.

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 15 = 153 DBs ...Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 17266
Registered: Jul-05
so um when & where is the official funeral service being held ? ...

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Columbia, South Carolina America

Post Number: 14604
Registered: Dec-03
I just haven't been feeling it for car audio lately. Heck, I listed some of my old gear on CL recently to get some money together to do some work on the home theater. I still like to visit here, though.

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 15 = 153 DBs ...Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 17269
Registered: Jul-05
for those of u who know about how forums work - is there a way to update this site into a modern 1 & still keep all the old threads & posts as they were or will everything have to started over from scratch which wud result in all the threads\posts being lost ? ...

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25431
Registered: Jun-06
It all depends on server space and how much the admin would dedicate his time and $$ in doing so. Sure it can be done. Data storage is cheap. I mean really cheap. Especially with the upload file size restriction this site has always had there can't be more than enough data to fill a $200 HD. The biggest investment is time. Then again I don't know that much about networking but every time we have a server problem at work all it takes is a weekend and servers serving 5000 computers can be updated with the latest software. Come Monday we're all on the same page.

Or maybe Brian has other ventures he's more interested in?

Silver Member
Username: Armykyle1

Ms Us

Post Number: 967
Registered: Dec-08
I'll try to post on here again

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 15 = 153 DBs ...Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 17280
Registered: Jul-05
please do

its sad to see what E has become ...

Silver Member
Username: Armykyle1

Ms Us

Post Number: 969
Registered: Dec-08
I have to, I owe to E.

Kind of hate it too lol.

If it weren't for this forum, I would have extra money to play with lol.

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 15 = 153 DBs ...Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 17284
Registered: Jul-05

Silver Member
Username: Armykyle1

Ms Us

Post Number: 971
Registered: Dec-08
lol nice

Gold Member
Username: Skdooley

Roanoke, VA Usa

Post Number: 1578
Registered: Oct-09
I learned pretty much all I know from this forum. I was a great place to come for friendly, spot on, honest help back in the day. Glasswolf I still use your page today and share links with others who need help. Its a one stop shop for car audio knowledge. I posted the link in the other tread, but the hang out spot, for me atleast, is Car Audio Advice on Facebook. I created it some time ago and in the past few months its started taking off. The idea is to have a place for people to come to get unbiased, honest help and advice, but to also chat, post build logs, get opinions, etc, etc. www.facebook.com/caraudioadvice

Gold Member
Username: Skdooley

Roanoke, VA Usa

Post Number: 1579
Registered: Oct-09
What I'm currently running in my car.


Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 17207
Registered: Jun-04
the 12 w6 from jl is my favorite sub for sq

Gold Member
Username: Illuminator


Post Number: 5627
Registered: Apr-05
^ I agree with Sean on that sub.

Also I'm with glass. Car audio hasn't been my thing so much lately. Got a new car with a great OEM premium system and haven't felt the desire to go aftermarket other than adding an iPod/aux-in adapter. Still tinker around with car audio a bit and don't mind helping people though I don't keep up with it like I used to.

I've been more into home audio recently and got kind of tired of Jan Vigne's strange posts here on ecoustics. Plus unlike car audio, there's lots of snobbery in home audio that puts me off lol.

I've mostly just stayed in touch with several members here via AIM.

This place did used to be awesome but yeah, RIP.

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Columbia, South Carolina America

Post Number: 14668
Registered: Dec-03
Try different forums for home audio. I'm on a ton of them. vinylengine, diyaudio, avscience forums, avforums UK, audiokarma, etc.. You'll find many, many people on those foums with a vast amount of very accurate knowledge in home audio topics. I'm learning stuff every day.

I just made a bunch of my own DIY cables for speakers and interconnects. probably just as good as the expensive Transparent, Ixos, and Kimber cables, at a small fraction of the cost.
At present, I'm looking at buying a Pro-Ject RM1.3 turntable, swapping the MDF platter for an Acrylic one, changing the Pearl cartridge it comes with for an Ortofon 2M Blue MM cart, and building my own valve/tube phono pre-amp for it. I figure with all of that, the parts for the project, DIY cabling making fine silver twisted pair interconnects etc I'll be looking at about $1200, which for that setup is a great price. A store bought pre-amp like my project alone would sell for about $2800.
I just don't spend enough time in car car anymore to really warrant doing any more work to it.

This is a bi-amp cable I made for my main speakers (this is a shorter one for the center channel)

This is the turntable I'm buying. If you ever saw the movie remake of The Mechanic, it might look familiar.

These are some twisted-pair silver wire interconnects, DIY


Gold Member
Username: Illuminator


Post Number: 5628
Registered: Apr-05
I'm also on DIY haha. It is indeed a great forum and I've learned a lot there--especially since many members there are engineers or at least probably could be! I'll have to check out the other forums you mentioned.

That cable came out great! I remember you showing me photos of it partially completed. Looks even better than the ridiculously pricey stuff. Didn't realize you'd use that nice mesh covering over the shrink wrap.

And that turntable is sexy with the acrylic platter.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25446
Registered: Jun-06
Jan has a way of doing that to ppl Jexx. His knowledge outweighs his ability to keep his ego in check. He has a few followers, or I should say jesters, but all in all he's a wealth of knowledge and someone who LOVES to type his rants out. He just needs to know when to back off and allow other opinions to be not only presented but defended. He also has more haters than followers. Something it appears to only fuel him. Don't get me wrong, they (home audio guys) will answer your questions with not only an abundance of gathered experience but sadly also under the shadow of what "he'll" say next.

He shook me up several times with his retorts over simple questions. After all a forum is a public place of education. Not a place to demean and ridicule any idea you may have but respectfully offer advice and guidance backed by experience. THAT is how you learn. NOT by participating in a back and forth pizzing match which only lowers you both.

Say your peace and move on.

Glass for example has that quality. Back your advice up with respectable experience and leave the BS on the side of the road where it belongs.

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Columbia, South Carolina America

Post Number: 14669
Registered: Dec-03
I try. I don't always succeed, but I do try. I've found the key to conversing with Jan is twofold. Firstly, be respectful, don't get riled up over a thread, and additionally, and perhaps most importantly, always be able to back up whatever you offer to a thread with cited, factual data that gives you a good foundation for what you say. Be sure what you're offering is, in fact correct and not just an "audiophile myth" or what many fall victim to, which is 'believing' something is better than something else simply because of marketing, pseudo-science, or just wanting to believe it because you paid a lot for something reportedly superior. That's mainly what he likes to target. I've acknowledged his comments in threads, since he is usually correct in most of his views, and offered my own findings, and things have gone quite well.

Recently someone asked about using a computer power supply for a car amp in his home. I discouraged this, and the only things Jan took issue with were my not giving specific reasons for the information I offered (which I expounded on as a result) and my use of extreme possibilities as a result of failure in the OP's attempted goals. (I told the guy he'd burn down his house, and was informed that was highly unlikely. hahaha)
All in all, a very pleasant thread overall.

Silver Member
Username: Nevertoomuchbass

2 Fi Q 12s, Mmats 3000.1

Post Number: 331
Registered: Aug-10
I credit this site to my knowledge in car audio. The people on this site overall are soo GD knowledgeable and insigntful compared to a lot of the d-bags on smd and ssa. Yall basically walked me through everything as I built my first syetem, and i cant thank yall enough for it.

Silver Member
Username: Nevertoomuchbass

2 Fi Q 12s, Mmats 3000.1

Post Number: 332
Registered: Aug-10
oh yeah Glass Wolf, your page is the bomb. I cant tell you how many times ive referenced it for whatever I may be doing

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Columbia, South Carolina America

Post Number: 14672
Registered: Dec-03
thank you. I'm glad to know it's helped people. those pages just seemed so much simpler than repeating the same information over and over again on the forums to answer often-asked questions.

I just try to avoid the product A vs product B, and which product is better or best threads for the most part. Too much opinion in those, and everybody has a different one.

Gold Member
Username: Cblaze

Mcminnville, Tenesssee Us

Post Number: 2116
Registered: Sep-07
wow i have not been on here in a while.kinda started a family and got busy..see a few names in this thread i remember.a search brought up ecoustics or i woulda never thought about this place

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 15 = 153 DBs ...Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 17302
Registered: Jul-05
i too point ppl to GW's tech pages & also to bcae1 since its saves me from alot of explanation & typing lol ......

Gold Member
Username: Logan__tille


Post Number: 9133
Registered: Feb-06
We need to get it boomin again

Gold Member
Username: Denali_on_22s

Post Number: 6453
Registered: Feb-06
It's like Hotel California...

And by Hotel California I mean, not really like Hotel California at all.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25463
Registered: Jun-06
Wow. Some old time guys posting. Good to see ya fellas.

Silver Member
Username: 71_chevelle

Post Number: 249
Registered: May-08
I remember when I first came to this site looking to put together a sound system for my 71 chevelle, the first comment hunterw said to me was "there can only be one hunter on here" hahaha!! weather hunterw was being an as$, or picking on me just because, i took it as being accepted into the E family. I hope this place doesnt die out. I will definitely miss Ecoustics for sure! not sure what other site to go get good information from. My post count is low because I dont go running my mouth on what i "think" is right way or what is better because i am trying to sound smart yet i dont truly know and on the other side of the coin i also am reading posts of what others have said to see if i too have the same question. i know and understand how a question can be beaten to death and how annoying that gets. Thank you again for all your knowledge!!

Silver Member
Username: Nevertoomuchbass

2 Fi Q 12s, Mmats 3000.1

Post Number: 342
Registered: Aug-10
ecoustics is the best place to go for audio advice. period.

Gold Member
Username: Naledge503

Portland, OR USA

Post Number: 4480
Registered: Jul-06
Oh hi Logan. You fairy punk bit(h. Don't think I forgot how you did me on my box.

Gold Member
Username: Wolf_hound

Phoenix, AZ

Post Number: 1466
Registered: Sep-05
LOL ^^^ i don't think anyone will forget the sh!tty liquid nail boxes he made. Hes kinda like john wheeler.....

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25470
Registered: Jun-06
Oh there are the stories about MANY members and their antics.

Let's not resurrect those corpses lol.

I WILL, however, encourage any thread or post that exposes fraud, theft, or any other type of forum abuse that can be backed with proof. There have been many ppl here taking advantage of other members and our only power as a forum against such criminal activity is to remind each other and spot them when they reappear. Some do regularly every couple of years. Mark Potts to name just one. I often suggested to Brian that we generate a "buyer beware" area of Ecoustics where anyone who experienced a bad transaction can post their feedback on another member, thus educating the rest. Mark took many ppl to the bank if I remember and he kept coming back. Since there wasn't any flag raised ppl kept ordering/paying for boxes he couldn't build.

This was just yet one of MANY suggestions given to the admin that never got addressed. It is what it is.


Silver Member
Username: Nevertoomuchbass

2 Fi Q 12s, Mmats 3000.1

Post Number: 343
Registered: Aug-10
or we could have that iTrader system that CACO uses

Platinum Member
Username: Nyyfan13

Northern VA

Post Number: 12187
Registered: Jul-06
What's up sluttts

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

I compensate...

Post Number: 9830
Registered: Jul-06
Yeah, I'm all about H-T suddenly. I went towards a fast car as opposed to loud but I'll be dumping money into my home audio gear now.

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Columbia, South Carolina America

Post Number: 14732
Registered: Dec-03
yeah.. I hve a fast (l;ow 9's in the quarter) car with a loud stereo, but I too am more cencentrated on home cinema and audio these days.
Just bought a new turntable, and a couple of nakamichi tape decks, and a pair of KEF Q1 speakers within the past couple of months for the home systems. Haven't touched the car in ages.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25489
Registered: Jun-06
We all evolve. Keep what you love in life how you can.

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 15 = 153 DBs ...Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 17313
Registered: Jul-05
i guess most ppl wud spend more time in their house than their car - depending on how long ur commute is ...

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

MW2 Addict

Post Number: 3602
Registered: Jan-06
i'm thinking about moving my lms ultra from my car to my ht setup.. just need to figure out what i want to power it

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Columbia, South Carolina America

Post Number: 14734
Registered: Dec-03
Rovin, not always the case.. many people share a dwelling with others, or live in an apartment, which severely limits the enjoyment of a home system. That's why I got into car audio initially. I lived at home, was in school, and it was easier to crank the stereo in my car alone than at home with people around. I also, as you noted, spent a lot of time driving around.. then again, gas was about a buck per gallon back then, too.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25498
Registered: Jun-06
Eric. That sub is a beast in a car. In a house it would be unbelievable . I always looked into an IB app in my house but for me the cost just wasn't justified seeing as I'm looking to move soon. It involves a good bit of structural and hands on work that I'd love to do but just don't want to pull the trigger on, especially if I plan on selling the home soon. I will have to just imagine the sound/experience for now.

And Glass, I too remember the cost of gas 20 years ago. I rode a cycle and $2 filled the tank and it lasted me a week. Today I put $20 in my truck's tank every other day, and I just go to and from work. My 1988 camaro didn't stretch the mileage either lol. But then gas was $1 and change/gal?

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Columbia, South Carolina America

Post Number: 14741
Registered: Dec-03
yeah back in the 80s I was driving a 280ZX, so I can relate. Didn't care about gas prices back then.. Just looked for the cheapest station nearby and filled up.

As for subs in the home, you'd be amazed at how little it really takes to get loud in the house. I use a Sunfire true sub for my 2-channel system (2.1 really) and it's a single 10" driver with a 10" passive radiator, in a sealed box that is about 11" cubed. It's tiny. The sub has a 2700 watt plate amp, and that thing is literally concussive when I turn it up. It's more than enough for just about anything but a really huge room.

Silver Member
Username: Nevertoomuchbass

2 Fi Q 12s, Mmats 3000.1

Post Number: 344
Registered: Aug-10
have yall ever seen the guy on youtube who has the 4 Fi 18's using a spare room in his house as an enclosure? its tuned to something insane like 7hz

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25506
Registered: Jun-06
Well at that point it's about making a statement instead of enjoying HT. I mean you can easily feel the bass and the intended experience from only a 10" sub off 100 watts. Properly designed of course. Some, like myself, didn't care about the sensitivity factor and room acoustics, sub placement and such. I wanted to feel the bass regardless of engineering the crap out of it to save on electricity or balance on the rest of the system. I also didn't have roommates or neighbors to worry about. So if all you're looking to do is move air, and lots of it, then it's relatively easy to do. Mind you I don't use my HT sub at levels that shake the dish upstairs every time. That's just stupid and destructive to my own property. But then again if I were 18 again..................................................

Silver Member
Username: Nevertoomuchbass

2 Fi Q 12s, Mmats 3000.1

Post Number: 345
Registered: Aug-10


Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25508
Registered: Jun-06
That's what I'm talking about. That kind of disturbance to the home will cause actual damage if used over an extended time period. Impressive as it may seem it shouldn't be used daily. Watch his drywall start cracking and popcorn ceiling start to fall. You've seen what low freqs do to windshields and window seals on cars on only short bursts. Now extrapolate that over hours of use in the house.

But yeah, that chit is crazy.

Platinum Member
Username: James1115

Use a simple...

Post Number: 10789
Registered: Dec-04
this forum hasn't died guys! from what I have been reading it only got better. All of the good guys stayed and the riff raft is gone! wasn't that the main goal all along????

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Columbia, South Carolina America

Post Number: 14749
Registered: Dec-03
actually YT has a number of good videos of the Sunfire True Subwoofer I use as well.. videos of doors vibrating, the sub walking across the floor by itself, etc.. not bad for a 50 pound sub that's 11" square. I really just use it with the volume control turned nearly to zero though, for bottom octave extension for music.. makes Miles Davis sound really good.

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

MW2 Addict

Post Number: 3603
Registered: Jan-06
Paul, it honestly surprises me how loud and good sounding 1 subwoofer can get. i only have one saz2500d on it, too. i can't even imagine how it's going to sound in a room. it's starting to be a nuisance taking up my whole trunk and weighing down my back end. i also can't push my car like i want to around turns so what i eventually plan on doing is putting 1 idmax in there for replacement and going the sq route.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25510
Registered: Jun-06
Eric, I've always been a fan of a single sub design. It's how I designed and built my own HT sub system, even as crude as it is. Single driver applications are easier to design, engineer and build. It's also why most, if not all HT sub designs use one driver in an engineered location. After all, it's all about location, location, location. LOL.

Platinum Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Philadelphia, PA

Post Number: 11936
Registered: Jul-06
Did someone say my name.... Well my old name lol

Im just too busy workin 50 hr weeks and livin life to have time for forums these days. And after i built a nice sq system for my charger, i just dont have the need to do any more car audio stuff for a while.

Also the talk about oem integration and many cars coming with good oem sound systems now days is spot on. The charger was the first car i ever kept the stock HU in. Speakers still sucked tho.

Anyways, say hi to the other old timers for me. And do pioneer HUs still suck? lol. Havent touched one in years.

Platinum Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Philadelphia, PA

Post Number: 11937
Registered: Jul-06
And lulz at logan and john wheeler. That made me crack a smile

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25512
Registered: Jun-06
How time flies.

I will refrain from posting pics as it may incriminate some members.

Gold Member
Username: Joe1234

Post Number: 1621
Registered: May-09
Pioneer apparently finally addressed the picofuse issue and the ribbon cable issue (no more motorized faceplates).

And I wouldn't bother paying for a car fixed to prevent me from installing aftermarket audio.

Diamond Member
Username: Bestmankind

Post Number: 23864
Registered: Oct-05
The whole car audio scene in general isn't what it used to be.

Gold Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego, California

Post Number: 6059
Registered: Dec-06
I blame Chad

Diamond Member
Username: Bestmankind

Post Number: 23865
Registered: Oct-05
LOL. Wassup Brad. Long time no see.

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 15 = 153 DBs ...Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 17317
Registered: Jul-05
i too blame chad for E's demise

when he used to change his systems probably more often than he changes his draws alot of us used to log on here to see whats new & then we all left when he dropped off the car audio scene

j\k buddy ......

Gold Member
Username: Extrmndor3

Http://illuzonemu.serv..., ^^^Sick Game

Post Number: 8665
Registered: Feb-06
HOPE it doesnt die.. i had good memories here...

Hey check us out www.illuzone.us

LIL rob always pwning the noobs

Gold Member
Username: Extrmndor3

Www.illuzone.us, ^^^Sick Game

Post Number: 8666
Registered: Feb-06
Damn my profile was old as F.uck

Silver Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 867
Registered: Oct-10
is "likea rock" JAN?

Gold Member
Username: Rideredder

Cornell, IL USA

Post Number: 2048
Registered: Sep-05
LikeARock was formerly known as M.S. He changed his name when everyone started calling him Meat Sucker.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25537
Registered: Jun-06

Gold Member
Username: Wolf_hound

Phoenix, AZ

Post Number: 1468
Registered: Sep-05
LOL i could pull up like 10 good threads that i know off, like john 4 wheeler, chicken man with his 18" sub, etc...good times.

Silver Member
Username: Jemone

Tucker, Georgia United States

Post Number: 430
Registered: Jan-06
I hope this forum does not go the way of the "Dodo". I learned so much by simply reading (as evidenced by my low post count) the threads and applying that acquired knowledge, real world. Before I came here, I thought that I was hammering. I realized that was simply not the case. LOL The O.G. people here do not often demean your point-of-view (unless you say something blazingly stupid). They also do not suffer from "the all powerful Oz" syndrome, meaning they did not mind admitting someone Else's knowledge may exceed their own. Truly good times that I would hate to see gone permanently.

Gold Member
Username: Killerzracing71

Post Number: 2429
Registered: Aug-05
LOL suprised I could remember my login. PPl have been saying this for years now.

Gold Member
Username: Extrmndor3

Www.illuzone.us, ^^^Sick Game

Post Number: 8667
Registered: Feb-06
hahahaha meat sucker.. hahaah fu.cking awesome.. i remeber the chicken dude that tried to bash me.. he got owned hard

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 5541
Registered: Mar-06
I pop in to see whats up. Just too busy to hang out. Also, I stopped going on the pc like I used to. Used to spend 4~5 hours a day on a pc. Now its like maybe 20 minutes a week, just to bank or something like that. As far as systems go, I ran my same system till july, when I got a new van. The new van will be built with 2~ aq2200 running 3 jl w6 13's, also, two sets of beyma mid bass, 2 sets of beyma mid tanges, and a set of beyma ph35 bullet tweeters. My winter project. Ontop of this, I am redoing my moms apartment down stairs for rental income now that she moved in with jesus, and also I bought a lake house in N.H. On winnasquam near Laconia so im up there alor. Plus some other personal issues prevent me from posting more. Real life comes fitst. But I do miss the haydayz of tbis site. Lastly, I put my 55 olds on the road, so thats another time bandit. Ok, ttyl.

Platinum Member
Username: Nyyfan13

Northern VA

Post Number: 12188
Registered: Jul-06
How's everyone been??

Gold Member
Username: Mrskullz1

New York

Post Number: 2101
Registered: Feb-07
Surviving Sandy!

Gold Member
Username: Freezeman_7


Post Number: 2594
Registered: May-06
Sandy looked intense! Any major damage??

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25556
Registered: Jun-06
The eye past directly over me in Jersey. Seaside Heights, if anyone remembers it, is gone. Literally. The roller coaster is in the ocean and the boardwalk collapsed and washed away. LBI sustained an estimated billion $ damage to my knowledge right now but will probably rise. Homes were battered off their piers and there is 3' of sand everywhere. Power is out for many and won't come back for possibly weeks.

In North Jersey there is a gas shortage that has everyone in a panic. Some lines are 180 cars long and some have law enforcement protecting the peace. If it continues for another week there is an expected widespread array of theft, looting and price gouging of fuel that would rival Katrina. I read there are people on Craigslist selling gas for $15/gallon and getting it by those who simply cannot wait in line for 8+ hrs.

Then you head in NYC where they are dealing with a flooded subway that is crippling the city's transit problem. Compounding the problem this weekend is ironically Mother natural herself again. With so many without power and no gas it's the worst time for the temperatures to dip close to freezing. Breezy Point about lost itself with 80-100 homes destroyed by fire. NYC marathon......canceled.

There are countless stories of this nature which will probably go down in US history as the single largest devastating event due to weather.

Oh yeah, subs rule.

Silver Member
Username: Skies

Tofino, British Colu... Canada

Post Number: 954
Registered: Aug-05

It won't be the last either

wassup E, I was mostly a reader..

Just order myself 2 JL 13TW-5's, 2 Treo SSi Motors that Treo is going to recone with SSi coil and SSp cone/assembly, and 2 Treo 1900 amps and 1 Treo 4400 for my future components

Oh, and I just bought a 2012 F150 Harley Davidson

Defining moment: Polo posting a pic looking at a girl on the sidewalk through his blinds.. LOL

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 15 = 153 DBs ...Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 17327
Registered: Jul-05
wow sorry to hear about all that paul

at least ur ok since online posting abut it - lol ......

Gold Member
Username: Drant19


Post Number: 2279
Registered: Aug-07
it's been a while since I've been on here.

Fellas, how y'all doin?

Username: Admin

Post Number: 11292
Registered: Dec-03
Just wanted to inform everyone of our new redesign.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25571
Registered: Jun-06
SkieZ, I HAVE that pic somewhere lol.

Gold Member
Username: Loc_out


Post Number: 3361
Registered: Feb-05
I don't know what you guys mean by saying car audio die off. Upload

Silver Member
Username: Armykyle1

Ms Us

Post Number: 972
Registered: Dec-08


Bronze Member
Username: Excursion

Post Number: 84
Registered: Jan-08
Glad to see the camera man from the "blare witch" movies is into car audio.

Silver Member
Username: Astrosafari

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 704
Registered: Aug-05
i came here back when i was 15 trying to put a system in an astro van, hence my username. didnt know a damn thing. almost 23 years old now. i found so much music on here that banged hard then made some cds and then the music i found was all over my town. came back to find an updated list of hardest hitting songs. but not much luck.

Silver Member
Username: Rhassler

Gilford, NH

Post Number: 744
Registered: Dec-04
"i came here back when i was 15 trying to put a system in an astro van, hence my username. didnt know a damn thing. almost 23 years old now. i found so much music on here that banged hard then made some cds and then the music i found was all over my town."}

^^^Same Here, I learned everything I know about car audio when I was about 15 from this forum back in the days when GlassWolf was famous here. Now I do SEO and Web Design--> This site is hurting Def liked the old school look better

Gold Member
Username: Redliner

Wilmington, Ma

Post Number: 5142
Registered: Jun-05
What's up guys anyone still around

Gold Member
Username: 04redmach1

Post Number: 2743
Registered: Mar-06
It sure has been a while...

Silver Member
Username: Treez

Its not loud til it he..., Ontario, Canada

Post Number: 449
Registered: Aug-06
I can't remember what brought me here... But I Enjoyed reading Jonathan and glasswolf posts. I gained the bulk of my car audio knowledge right here on this forum..

Woot ....

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 15 = 153 DBs ...Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 17346
Registered: Jul-05
the car audio hobby isnt dead - its just that E is dead ....lol


Silver Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 921
Registered: Oct-10
I came to E almost 2.5 yrs ago, and I liked it cuz there wasn't a whole lot going on and I could keep up with everything. People thought I was a troll haha, and maybe I was. But I learned many things from this site, including internet forum ediquette. Most of what I know about car audio I learned right here, and on websites that ppl from here rocommended. Thanks, guys!

Silver Member
Username: Nevertoomuchbass

2 Fi Q 12s, Mmats 3000.1

Post Number: 346
Registered: Aug-10
man i recognize so many user names on here from back when i knew nothing about car audio and came here for help. does anyone remember the troll that has a username really similar to an established member on here?

Gold Member
Username: Somedonniedude

Illinois Braaap MX

Post Number: 3284
Registered: May-07
Silver-n-black just send those rotting HC/csp motors my way

I had to blink to make sure they weren't 3hps lol

Gold Member
Username: Loc_out


Post Number: 3370
Registered: Feb-05
NO way i need them, will be in my truck soon.

3HPS are way too small for me. Im into 4" VC.

Gold Member
Username: Tremor1127


Post Number: 2732
Registered: Aug-06

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25686
Registered: Jun-06
I miss the old days.

Gold Member
Username: Wolf_hound

Phoenix, AZ

Post Number: 1487
Registered: Sep-05
i wipe my own azz

Diamond Member
Username: Bestmankind

Post Number: 23884
Registered: Oct-05
Merry Christmas everyone.

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4518
Registered: Mar-07
Hello everyone. Merry Christmas..

Silver Member
Username: Invictuz

Seattle, Wa Usa

Post Number: 228
Registered: Jan-05
I encourage the ecoustics core members (glasswolf, Wing, Rov, etc...) to check out http://www.diymobileaudio.com/ if you haven't already.

Industry insiders, enthusiasts, pro competitors, garage shop hobbyist, audio veterans alike populate the forums.

Its what ecoustics used to be (2001-2007ish).

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25694
Registered: Jun-06
Do they have an "I see chicken thread" or floating MDF in a pool to bend it moron lol? They were some good times. Yeah this place has fallen off the map. Seems I can check in only monthly and not miss a thing. Back in the day if you missed an evening's worth of drama you missed out.

Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

Crescendo Audio FTMFW!!, AA Havoc 15 ... Your Mom FTW!!

Post Number: 3837
Registered: May-04

This place really is dead,huh? Ive kinda lost interest in car audio as of the last year or so. Mainly b/c you usually have to have a running car to enjoy car audio and Ive had trouble with cars and went a few months completely without one. Right now my system, well whats installed, is 15" AA Havoc on a Soundstream D-Tower DTR1.1700d and my Alpine HU that Paul sold me cdr-9813 I think? Thats all I have installed in my car that has not moved for a couple months its just sitting in my driveway. Its got some issues and I do not have the time/money to fix it yet. But I have been getting more into home audio anyways,after all most of my time is spent at home,not in the car so it only makes sense to invest more into the audio in the house right? I built my very first set of bookshelf speakers,I actually just finished them a few days ago. They consist of Dayton audio 5.25" classic mids along with the Dayton 1 1/8" silk dome tweeters and I also built the xovers using mostly Dayton products like the caps,resistors,etc. I used the .23ft3 knock down speaker enclosure kit from Parts Express. I basically made this......


With some slight changes though. It all started b/c I started out with the Dayton Audio B652 speakers with the Dayton DTA-1 class T amp,got them as a combo deal but I was somewhat disappointed with the sound of the prebuilt speakers and when I took the speakers out of the enclosure to examine them closer,I was even more disappointed. I just felt they were made very sloppy and didnt seem like a normal product from Dayton. They had no xover inside just a very cheap cap on the tweeters and they used 2 different rated caps on each tweeter one a 6.8 the other a 3.? and one had a peice of dampining material in it and the other did not,just little dumb things about them that upset me. I found a great deal on the Dayton classic mids and tweeters for the TriTrixMT that I couldnt pass up so I started the project. The Dayton amp I got with the B652s was great though so Im using that for now until I can get a bigger amp or maybe a receiver. I am pretty proud of my first attempt at building some home audio speakers! I think my next project will be this......

http://www.parts-express.com/tritrix-mtm-tl-speaker-components-and-cabinet-kit-p air--300-702

That will match my MT set so I can use those as the front mains and the MT set I just built for surrounds maybe. Then Ill build the TrTrix MTM sealed for a center and build a sub with a Dayton Audio driver and I will have a beast 5.1 system for WAY less than anything the box stores sell and will sound WAY better too. Nobody is probably even gonna read this but oh well,just wanted to say hi and let anyone who is left know Im not dead or locked up.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25696
Registered: Jun-06
That's the normal evolution of things my man. Pounding it in your ride eventually turns into home audio. Not because you're getting old but because it's where you spend your time. And you know it doesn't get cheaper moving indoors. PE is a good way to start experimenting and sometimes catch a good deal.

Gold Member
Username: Delsole

Post Number: 1823
Registered: Feb-05
Its been years since I have signed in here and I have to say I am very disappointed.

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 5546
Registered: Mar-06
Hey guys. First I will start by saying that the last few years have been filled with personal issues. You could say its been Exalgo.
With that being said...
I have begun my new install.
It will consist of 3 13w6 off the AQ 2200.
Then the rest Mcintosh, Zapco, Nakamichi amps, Beyma mid woofers and mid bass and twetters as main with audio control eqs. Then some rear fill and door fill. and misc...

Pics of the gear.


Gold Member
Username: Deadrabit

Marionville, MO

Post Number: 2628
Registered: Jun-07
I miss this forum

Silver Member
Username: Thelonewolf

New Ipswich, NH USA

Post Number: 361
Registered: Jul-05
Oh man i forgot about this place

Gold Member
Username: Tdbdadrummer

Wellsburg, WV USA

Post Number: 1910
Registered: Aug-05
I just stumbled upon this page after looking up something about some speakers I purchased 8 years ago... Saw some old posts I made as an arrogant 18 year-old. What happened to eCoustics? I've been gone since 2006. Sad to see this site died. I spent many days and late nights posting here in the past.

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 15 = 153 DBs ...Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 17383
Registered: Jul-05
just checking in

been eons since i have posted here

life & 100 other forums + fb prolly killed E .....

Gold Member
Username: Joe1234

Post Number: 1995
Registered: May-09
Best site on the net to get free radio codes, pretty sure half of these people asking are not in very good terms with the law.

There will be other 100+ sites on the net to discuss car audio in which you won't find spammers (well scammers) selling chinese shoes and washing machines undisturbed + an seriously outdated user experience. IMHO owners here just didn't care to keep up.

Gold Member
Username: Philly306

Sorry, I have a new 20...

Post Number: 1594
Registered: Apr-07
It is such a trip to come back and see this place. Hope everyone is doing well. Except you twiztid, f$%^ you

Gold Member
Username: Redliner

Wilmington, Ma

Post Number: 5143
Registered: Jun-05
Hey guys been years since ive been on here. Cant believe how dead it is.

Gold Member
Username: B101

Everyone is ... USA

Post Number: 4363
Registered: Sep-05
This place is dead?

Gold Member
Username: B101

Everyone is ... USA

Post Number: 4364
Registered: Sep-05
Charlie, whats been up? Rovin, Chad??

Gold Member
Username: B101

Everyone is ... USA

Post Number: 4366
Registered: Sep-05
Im not sure if I should show any more...
RIP ecoustics. Car audio is still Alive here.

Diamond Member
Username: Bestmankind

Post Number: 23889
Registered: Oct-05
What's up B and Charlie. Damn it's been a while.

It's been like 10 years since I signed up to this forum.

I got no space for car audio in my little roadster.

Silver Member
Username: Simple_smith

Chicago, Illinois United States

Post Number: 447
Registered: Dec-08
Wow looks like I picked a bad time to get back on here. I remember like five or six years ago reading through countless pages of build threads and whatnot. Glad to see a lot of the OGs are still around, even if some of you have got out of the game for the most part. Pretty cool seeing the old user names pop up.

Platinum Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Philadelphia, PA

Post Number: 11939
Registered: Jul-06
Just found this forum in my web favorites, and found this thread, again lol. Wtf there are threads from 2 years ago on the front page?????!
Looks like I haven't been missing much.

Gold Member
Username: Extrmndor3

Www.illuzone.us, ^^^Sick Game

Post Number: 8669
Registered: Feb-06
This is lil rob Hey guys post contact details I would like to get in touch with the old fellas!!

Gold Member
Username: Drsmith

Montana USA

Post Number: 2714
Registered: Nov-04
Rest in peace indeed

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana Team Audible...

Post Number: 8528
Registered: Mar-04

DAMIT....been a long VERY time since I posted on the Ecoustics Forum.
We OG's (circa 2004) had alot of fun bullshitting back and forth on this old forum....I miss that sh!t.

Hell, if any of you OG's want to contact me or NickV....hit us @
or email @ dspcaraudio@gmail.com

Username: Admin

Post Number: 11320
Registered: Dec-03
Everyone is welcome back?

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4527
Registered: Mar-07
I miss the good old days and our echats on aim/yahoo lol. Hope everyone is doing well...

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4528
Registered: Mar-07
Whats everyone been up to? I've been out of car audio for a while after getting a new car... been about 2 years since I've even heard a loud system. I'm thinking about doing a small SQ setup this summer though.

Gold Member
Username: Kpa2727

Old Bridge, NJ USA !

Post Number: 1651
Registered: May-07
same here, just dug out all my old 08 - 09 equipment. Running my Fi - q 12, in my new scion xb 2015. Just need some componets! info is so damn sparse now. : - (

Gold Member
Username: Tatonka

-[Team Audible Insanity]-

Post Number: 3343
Registered: Mar-07
Can I hook up a battery charger to the power inverter in my car to charge my battery while I be beatin'?

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25711
Registered: Jun-06
Only when standing in a puddle of water.

Diamond Member
Username: Bestmankind

Post Number: 23890
Registered: Oct-05
I don't even remember the last time I had bass in my car. LOL.

Gold Member
Username: Rideredder

Cornell, IL USA

Post Number: 2064
Registered: Sep-05
Yo Chad, I still have that RL-s you sold me a long time ago. Still haven't hooked it up. It's been sitting in the same box you shipped it to me in. Long time no see BTW, I haven't been on this site in like 2 years.

Diamond Member
Username: Bestmankind

Post Number: 23891
Registered: Oct-05
Wassup Mark.

Damn that is a long time to not use that sub. LOL.

Yeah haven't been on here for the longest time.

I hope everyone is still doing well.

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4529
Registered: Mar-07
Sup Chad, I still have the 15'' Revo, it's sitting in my closet. I bought it from you, at least I think I did, it's been so long!! :D

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4530
Registered: Mar-07
I haven't had bass in my car for almost 3 years now D:

I did pick up a Pioneer Premier 880 about a year ago, best HU I've ever had, though I haven't had the chance to use it to its full potential.... yet :D

Silver Member
Username: Denim

SSAudio.com, MD USA

Post Number: 936
Registered: Nov-06
Checking in. Not totally dead yet.

Gold Member
Username: Delsole

Post Number: 1834
Registered: Feb-05
I dont know if it will ever be what it once was.

New member
Username: Bobtheparker

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-17
I work as a manager for a rental car company as a side job and I think it's gonna come back soon. For some reason between 2015 and 2017 the audio quality in cars has dropped off the map. We just got our 2017 models delivered during the last week and I will say it's not looking good speakers wise. A couple of years in a row from about 2011-2015 there was some decent stock systems in cars. The infotainment systems have come along way but I see custom car audio making a comeback. Another forum I lurk alot has to do with putting carputers (car computers) in their rides and I think there's a crossroads between that and custom audio.

Lots of these models have Bose/Alpine options but I'm not a fan of it.

Silver Member
Username: Thelonewolf

New Ipswich, NH USA

Post Number: 367
Registered: Jul-05
It is dead jim. same as caco...

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana Team Audible...

Post Number: 8529
Registered: Mar-04
Necro-thread bump....

Yes, Ecoustics is dead.

So many great times bullshiting...so many lulz....also, so much great info shared.
Well, it all comes to an end.

Should any OG Ecoustics members want to contact me...

If any OG finds themselves around Monroe, Louisiana for a car show or just passing thru....get ahold of me.

Its been great guys.

Gold Member
Username: Naledge503

Portland, OR USA

Post Number: 4483
Registered: Jul-06
Well holy chit, I remembered my password. Hope everyone is doing well and succeeding in life.

Gold Member
Username: Delsole

Post Number: 1837
Registered: Feb-05
The years go by in a blink of an eye.

Silver Member
Username: Torn

Post Number: 603
Registered: Jan-07
Just came back to check and now this :0

Bronze Member
Username: Excursion

Post Number: 87
Registered: Jan-08

Bronze Member
Username: Excursion

Post Number: 88
Registered: Jan-08

Bronze Member
Username: Excursion

Post Number: 90
Registered: Jan-08

Gold Member
Username: Wolf_hound

Phoenix, AZ

Post Number: 1491
Registered: Sep-05
damn i was 18 when i first started coming to this site. now im 31 with 3 kids lol. i used to love this place. any of the old timers still check in here evey now and then?

marc brockman the bouty hunter lol
marc van_man and his 20 speakers in his van lol
are paul larrea and glasswolf still alive?they where the grandpas of ecoustics lol jk.

i still have a small system in my escalade 2 12s cant really have much when you have kids lol,

till next time...

Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 4178
Registered: Aug-04
Was doing a google search and came across an Ecoustics thread I had posted in about 10 years ago. What an immature kunt I was back then, pretty embarrassed.

Sad to see this place die, I spent a lot of time on here back when I was big into car audio. Still remember drooling over GlassWolf's Charger. I've recently started getting into home audio; I think most can agree that the audiophile bug never really goes away, people just move on from a particular niche like cars to something different as interests change.

Gold Member
Username: Philly306

Sorry, I have a new 20...

Post Number: 1595
Registered: Apr-07
Wow julian, just leave me off the list...

Even the format of this place hasn't change, so much nastalgia

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4531
Registered: Mar-07
Sup guys! Phil, been so long dude I remember we used to talk on AIM all the time back in the day. Julian whats up dude and how are you going to leave the legend Brad off the list. Crazy to believe I was 16 when I joined this forum.. I've been completely done with car audio for years now but I still have the site bookmarked and check up here every other month or so. Hope everyone is doing well!

New member
Username: Cmos

Post Number: 2
Registered: Sep-18
This thread doesn't seem dead. It started over six years ago, and it's still going strong, hehehe.

Gold Member
Username: Bernymac

Phnom Penh Cambodia

Post Number: 4911
Registered: Sep-04
Sup Legends. If any of the OG's want to keep in contact or what not. Add me on instagram or facebook.

ig UN: bernyok

Silver Member
Username: Simple_smith

Chicago, Illinois United States

Post Number: 449
Registered: Dec-08
Hey guys it feels so weird getting back into car audio without this forum being as active as it was 10 years ago..

Gold Member
Username: Zacdavis

Beloit, Wi

Post Number: 1784
Registered: Dec-03
I wonder how many of us are friends on FB after all these years and don't even know it.
Kevin Holden was at my store a couple years ago, he works at Digital Designs these days, he mentioned Ecoustics, I said whoa wait a second, you're the Kevin from Ecoustics?! small world.
It was a pleasure all the conversations we all had, Hunter, Rob, Glass, Canaan, heck hundreds of you, I'm guessing many of you felt the same in that I considered you guys friends. ok, enough reminiscing, back to Facebook... :D

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

Post Number: 3607
Registered: Jan-06
Oh, hey.

New member
Username: Gaarg

New Dehli, Dehli

Post Number: 9
Registered: Dec-18
lol , why RIP?

Gold Member
Username: Joe1234

Post Number: 2068
Registered: May-09
I wouldn't bet a dead fly on this forum going RIP before it's old school members, are you guys still out there? lol.

Gold Member
Username: Mrskullz1

New York

Post Number: 2138
Registered: Feb-07

Diamond Member
Username: Bestmankind

Post Number: 23894
Registered: Oct-05
LOL. Wassup.

Diamond Member
Username: Bestmankind

Post Number: 23895
Registered: Oct-05

Gold Member
Username: Redliner

Wilmington, Ma

Post Number: 5146
Registered: Jun-05
Hey guys if any ones around been years hope all is well.

Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

Crescendo Audio FTMFW!!, AA Havoc 15 ... Your Mom FTW!!

Post Number: 3843
Registered: May-04
Don't worry yall I'm still alive! I still love car audio and home audio I just don't post on any forums, hell I'm not even on Facebook or Twatter or WTF other dumb stuff the kids are in to these days. BTW Hoolian I seen your old post sayin you had 3 kids now, that's cool did you and your boyfriend adopt or jus buy them down in Meh-he-coh from some poor baldheadedhoe?!?! Yup, almost 20 years later an I'm still the same immature kid that used to be up all night in the E chat on AIM! Dang those were some fun and funny times, at least the ones I can remember! Anyways no one I used to know on here will probably see or respond to this and I will probably forget about it too but I jus wanted to say hello and seriously let you all know I'm still alive and actually well too ;)

Silver Member
Username: Denim

SSAudio.com, MD USA

Post Number: 937
Registered: Nov-06
[b]Keep bumping this topic, so it's not totally dead.[/b]

Silver Member
Username: Denim

SSAudio.com, MD USA

Post Number: 938
Registered: Nov-06
Keep bumping this topic, so it's not totally dead.}

New member
Username: Supermario

Post Number: 4
Registered: Mar-06
jESUS i would have never thought to be back in here and see some of the OG names from when I was more "into" car audio. @Chad, Denim , I even remember TwiztId.. Was that you who broke a back window in a hatch or something like that?? LOL

Anywho, what a crazy thread so cool to see it going still after the years.

I only came on here cause someone was asking about some ts specs for 1st gen RE subwoofers.. I was gonna recommend he get in contact with RobotUnderground as he may have first hand experience with those older models.

Anyway, awesome to see some familiar screen names and hope everyone is in good health and doing well.

Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

Crescendo Audio FTMFW!!, AA Havoc 15 ... Your Mom FTW!!

Post Number: 3844
Registered: May-04
I'm back! Long Island Iced Teas FTW! Damn I feel so old! I registered in 2004 but was around before that, anyone remember anonymous posting? BTW car audio is a total wate of money and it doesn't make you cool! Invest that money in some awesome home theater speakers! Or better yet take that money and buy some hoookers

Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

Crescendo Audio FTMFW!!, AA Havoc 15 ... Your Mom FTW!!

Post Number: 3845
Registered: May-04
Julian you got a PM! If you're still around and didn't get deported!

Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

Crescendo Audio FTMFW!!, AA Havoc 15 ... Your Mom FTW!!

Post Number: 3846
Registered: May-04
Dang E is for real dead yo! But I'm not! I'm still here ftw! Drugs an akahol couldn't keep me down! You OGs know I used to do OCs an drink alone every night and yeah that sheet jus got worse an worse. Stopped da pills and graduated to shooting dog food (hair on) for those who don't know. Sheet had me waaaay down but I kicked itz azz and quit! Now I drink maybe twice a year if that! But I been going to da methadone clinic since May of 2013 so cummin up on 12 yrs. But it better than getting sheet wit fetty or who know what else in it an ODin an die for real! I ain't gonna go out like that yall! Ima survivor! Anyways I hope all tha OGs is still doing good! Love yall, yall help me thru some bunch of sheet back in the day! No joke. I ain't even in to car audio no more but I love this community forever!! Love yell, peace! And if you still around Julian, love you essay if dat the right word,my Spainish is a Lil rusty like yo mammas pusssssseeee ya dig! Bean eating mofo! Baldheadedhoe!

Gold Member
Username: Killerzracing71

Post Number: 2431
Registered: Aug-05
Bruh, I was just check email and saw ecoustics pop up.

Man it's been a while since I've been on this page in a very long time. Twiztid I vaguely remember you, and that's awesome that you have gotten through this. I have watch many people die from this. It's been alot more than I cAre to remember. I even had my friends 6yo daughter die because her mother(his ex) had fent on her hands and she it ingested it.

Take care of yourself, your family and anyone else around you.

I sorta remember the crazy things that have happened in this group.
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