The garage unplugged my fuse board to replace a pollen filter ?? which has left me with a code locked ford s-max 6000CD . The code on my book is seemingly wrong.
From what I can see you need the serial number from the radio in the car so I need the tools to get the radio out - What are they and where can they be bought (garage not being helpful at all)??
Here is a video showing how to remove a standard radio from the dashboard. A pair of extractors are required (available from Ebay etc ) but these can be made from 2 pieces of bent, wire coat-hanger or 4 small drills(using the blunt end) or 4 small Allen Keys or 4 small screwdrivers or 4 nails or even 4 darts.
An assistant is useful to pull the radio out whilst you are releasing the 4 securing clips