I ahve a 4g wire kit run to a distrobution block. Then 2 amps hooked up with 8g. Should i run 8g grounds to a 4g dist block and then ground. or should i just ground with the 8?? also if i use the 8g to ground could i mount the ring terminals in the exact same spot?? would i get any noise from that? which would you do??
Yeah, just run the 8 gauge wire as grounds. But mount the grounds in different terminals. They dont have to be far away just like an inch or two away from each other. Grounds will not produce noise.
ground the 8ga directly to bare metal. don't run through a block for grounds. you can ground both amps to the same spot, yes. that shouldn't cause any noise issues.
ok im not sure where i can ground the grounds at. i have a 93 Nissan Maxima and mounted both amps about 1.5ft apart on a board propped up against the outside wall where it opens. The wires are all hidden below the board. How long could the grounds be without any troubles of noise and can i drill anywhere?? also would RCA cables being wound up because they are 20ft long and only need to go about 3 ft cause any noise? they are going from amp to amp. and also does the power wire being run right next to speaker wire cause any noise???
RCA's will be ok wound up but if you only need 3ft just by some 3ft ones. With grounding the amps try to get the ground cable as short as possible, but also make sure you have some slack. About 4ft or LESS is good for a ground. I would look around to see if you cant find any existing bolts to ground, the ground on to. Like bolts on a seat or something. Drilling should be a last option but its not bad if you do have to drill.
for grounding the amps, I'd pull back the trunk carpeting, sand or grind down the paint there to bare metal, and screw down your grounds there to the chassis. check under the car first to make SURE you're not going to screw or drill into any lines or the gas tank.
the noise you have is probably caused by a bad ground.. I'd check at the head unit first and re-ground that.
i didnt install my HU so im not sure how to do that. but i had rear speakers hooked up to an amp before with VERY little noise so that is probably not the problom. thanks wolf.
the head unit is probably using the factory harness ground. re-ground the head unit to bare chassis metal behind the unit somewhere.. see if moving the ground point solves teh noise.