one of my 3 shivas just quit on me and the other two are fine i talked to adire about it and they said its most likely a broken tinsel lead, i dont want to pay them to fix it if i can, can anybody help me with where its located and how i can fix it.. any help is appreciated
you will most likely have to use a saudering iron to repair it.
Posted on
thanks but what should i be looking for when i take the sub into my house, nothing caught my eye as broken when i looked at it in my truck and then i just put it back in the encloser and undid its wires
im pretty good with a soldering iron so that shouldnt be a problem when i know what to look for my assumption is that they are the wires runing from the speaker terminals to the voice coil or what not??
the tinsel leads are the two wires going from the speaker terminals on the basket to the speaker cone on the back side. if you try to solder these, you need to use a fluxless solder, else the solder will travel up the leads and make them brittle, and they'll snap again. your best bet is to let Adire repair the sub.
Posted on
meh no way lol im a do it yourselfer and learn as you go... i fixed it with fluxless solder a few hours ago and its fine, it pulled away from back of the terminal so it wasnt a tough fix,i just didnt notice cuz it stayed in the vicinity of where it should have been.. thanks for all your help