HU for 2000 Camry


New member
Username: Mccord34

Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-11
I'm looking for a good head unit that's not too pricey. I want at least a 7" touch screen in dash double din that doesn't have a navigation. I don't really need nav for any reason so I don't want to pay the extra money for one. my price range is <$300.

Any ideas?

Here are some pictures of my stock radio now, and once I've taken it out.




Silver Member
Username: Joe1234

Post Number: 366
Registered: May-09
Since you have double din you can put a video deck for that money:

There are many audio only decks half tall if you want that as well in that price range.

New member
Username: Mccord34

Lexington, KY

Post Number: 2
Registered: Sep-11
That's exactly what I'm looking for. Is pioneer one of the better brands? I know almost nothing about stereo brands.

Gold Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 1353
Registered: Jun-06
Pioneer back in the day was a great brand for Decks, however now-a-days they are kindof "hit or miss" depending on which model you are looking into.

However, the Pioneer AVH-P2300DVD suggested above is a pretty good deal for what it is, and I found it even cheaper brand new on Sonic. Link is below:

Not only is Sonic going to be cheaper, but they are also including all of the mounting brackets for your vehicle and wiring harness as well, which will save you at least another $30.

For under $300, your not going to find anything better than this. If you wanted a really good Double-Din Deck with a 7" monitor, your going to need to double your budget.

Silver Member
Username: Joe1234

Post Number: 369
Registered: May-09
Yes Pioneer recently has subtracted features and worsen looks of some of their new head units making many people upset including me, but Pioneer remains a top brand in head units, you won't be disappointed on its quality in general nor in the quality of sound.

And sure, if you can get it for less and with mounting brackets, that's much better, besides I don't just like ebay very much.
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