I have two alpine type r's in a custom 4.5 cu ft box tuned to 30 hz. It sounds amazing, but I'm craving louder music already (i'm going to be deaf by 25). It's hooked up to an AQ 1200d
What would be a better pair of subs that literally blow this setup out of the water that would be good for my box? I was thinking audioque hdc312. Price is really not an option at this point.
getting louder... you could build a different box and tune it higher, say 35-38Hz. you will lose more low end but the output will be increased.
If you are serious about getting louder then more power and/or more cone area is needed. You said you wanted to keep the box, so therefore the more cone area is out of the question. what i mean by more cone area is moving to bigger sized subwoofers, 15, 18, or more 12's.
As far as getting more power from a bigger amp will cause you to need a High Output Alternator, Bigger/More Batteries, and Wiring upgrades. all of these necessities will cost $1000 or MORE!
So a few questions for you: 1. what is your budget for getting "louder"? 2. what vehicle do you drive? 3. do you want louder while sacrificing sq? or would you want to keep the sq and just get louder, if possible?
also, Price and Time are ALWAYS a restraint!!!! saying that price is not an option is just silly. i could name off $1000 subwoofers that would kill those 2 type-rs in every way. however, you will need thousands of dollars more to properly power them.
If price isnt an problem why not make another box upto 4.5 cuft and find a sub or 2 to handle a total load of 1ohm at 1200wrms
Alot of 12" are 1-1.75cuft each and 5-600wrms or 1-1250wrms
On that basses Total budget? Are you willing to get another box? Total cuft your willing to give up? Amp? Keep or go? Number of subs and size you want? What you after sq, spl or a mix sql?
Sundown audio SA-12s will play much louder and lower than Type R"s not only that but those work tuned at 30Hz so you only need to exchange them and you are done.
I'm definitely not changing the box. I WILL change the amp (since it blew). So they would have to be 12 inchs. Not trying to spend a shitload (1000 dollar subs are just ridiculous in general).
I want more SPL with better SQ. JL is really that kind of sub but I'm trying to stay away from the JL brand type of sub. If it comes down to it I'll settle with JL, but I'm asking you guys to tell me that there is something that outperforms them.
Each of these will have offerings that will outperform JL Audio and Alpines both in power and sound quality, no need to pay $1000 for many of their subs but it will go above $200 easy.
Seek sensitivity of 88-90dB SPL and maybe upgrade to 2200D you will be hearing impaired in no time.
Id probably go for TCs or FIs but from those and there are many others to consider, Most important is to look at prices, proper enclosure and solid amplification.
since you want to kkeep the box (dual 12" box) and you want to be louder and better SQ you NEED to upgrade your alternator to have a higher powered amplifier. changing out subs and using 1200rms will not yield a HUGE difference in SPL. Those Type-r drivers are SQL oriented and are actually really good budget speakers. I just do not see how getting 2 FI Audio Q's will yield more spl, they will get better SQ for sure, however, without upping the power, you just wont notice much of a difference in SPL.