Hi. I am trying to run the power wire in my car the right way. I am about to hook up a new system, and the power wire was ran extremely ghetto and bad before.. It was run through the hood & fender and inside of the door which I was told is extremely dangerous. I read online that you should go in through an existing grommet, or one that is not in use in the firewall. I looked under the drivers side(battery is on that side) and I took a few pics. I just want to make sure I am going for the right spot before I begin to pull my car apart. I have attached some pics of what I imagine is a good spot to do it. The first pic is a little plug looking thing that is right infront (about the brake pedal) The second pic shows where all the electrical wires are run...but the problem with that is it is right up against the fender on the side as opposed to being infront of the car. So if I go for the one that is in the first pic, do I just remove that little white plug and feed the wire through the hole?
The best thing to do is to always look for a Rubber Grommet in the Firewall for you to use. When looking at the Firewall from under the Dash, try looking up. Sometimes there may be an existing Rubber Gromment not being used depending on the vehicle.
If that is not an option, I would next suggest looking at the Firewall from the Hood. Try looking around the Battery area first for an open area to where you can drill a hole the size of the wire you need.
If you can find an area like this, next check under the Dash to make sure that location does not have any obstructions blocking you from drilling a hole.
If everything checks out, Drill a hole and feed your wire through. Next, you can either put Silicone around the area you drilled to fill the hole and seal it, or go to a Home Depot or Lowes and purchase a Rubbert Grommet that you can use.
Also, make sure that if you drill a hole, to sand down the area to prevent any metal shards from cutting the wire.