Attn. Troy Jones


Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

Crescendo Audio FTMFW!!!, AA Havoc 15 ... Your Mom FTW!!!

Post Number: 3630
Registered: May-04
Hey whats up man where have you been? I just wanted to run something by you and get your input. Ok so you know that beautiful custom alternator you were nice enough to send me for SS? Well I actually never got around to installing it in my truck so its just been sittin in the box. And my truck has been having major problems,it needs a new complete exhaust system ($100-200),a new intake manifold gasket replacement (quoted $700-$800 to fix),it also just recently started leakin break fluid bad so bad that Im pretty sure only my rear drum brakes are the only ones working,and there are dents/scratches and a handfull of other problems with it. So I am going to try to sell the truck b/c I dont have the time or money to fix all the problems. So my question to you is first off would you mind if I sold the alt. you made me? Second what are the exact specs on the alt and what would be a fair price to ask for? Im a complete newb when it comes to alts/ so I have no idea what they go for,especially a brand new custom painted alt. I really hate that i cant just use it but its time for me to sell my truck and I would have no use for it anymore and I deffinatly dont want to just sell it with the truck. Everything is coming out of the truck before I sell it. Im sorry I cant just use it and I know how much time and thought went in to the alt. I still appreciate you sending it to me and wish I could have used it but shÍt happens bro. I hope you dont get POd.

So bottom line.....

What are the specs on the alt?
What model vehicles will it fit?
Whats a good starting price point to ask for it?

Platinum Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Philadelphia, PA

Post Number: 11922
Registered: Jul-06
Ah, the old chevy intake gaskets... one of the very few presistent trouble spots on the small block chevy motors. Other than that they are reliable as hell.

Those are fun, I did em on my blue truck when I got it. Got a good price on it cause it needed em done.

Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

Crescendo Audio FTMFW!!!, AA Havoc 15 ... Your Mom FTW!!!

Post Number: 3631
Registered: May-04
Yea Ive heard those gaskets are known for going out in S10s. Sucks that a shop wants to charge $6-$800 to fix it when the gasket itself is only $60 or $80 bucks. Im half temted tp try to do it myself but Im affraid Ill get it all apart and not be able to put it back together lol. I had planty of fun and good times in my lil ole S10 but Im jus ready for a new vehicle now. I kinda want a Civic to play around with

But anyways what is a good starting price point for a 230amp alt custom painted black? I have no idea what alts go for. Im about to make a posting on CA and CACO and just start it out at $500 and say OBO lol. Since you HAVE to list a price ya know.

Gold Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 1191
Registered: Jun-06
$600-$800 to repair a Intake Manifold Gasket? What shop are you going to? They must be charging $325 an hour for Labor. That's just a 1-2 hour job...

I just purchase a 180A HO Alternator that was powercoated Red for $395. Since the Alt is still new, i'd say it could sell for at least $430.

Gold Member
Username: Wolf_hound

Phoenix, AZ

Post Number: 1411
Registered: Sep-05
^^^ what he said seems like alot to replace the intake gasket. Watch some youtube vids and replace it yourself lol

Platinum Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Philadelphia, PA

Post Number: 11923
Registered: Jul-06
If it's getting done right, their price is accurate. By that meaning replace all gaskets for things that have to come off, distributor, EGR, tbi/injectors (should never reuse old gaskets). And it's not just as simple as putting a new gasket in. For it to seal properly all the surfaces have to be carefully cleaned. Then there's the EGR passages, those will be packed full of carbon and should be cleaned out while you have it apart.

I spent the better part of a weekend when I did it, but I work slow and careful. A shop could do it in ~5 hours.

Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

Crescendo Audio FTMFW!!!, AA Havoc 15 ... Your Mom FTW!!!

Post Number: 3634
Registered: May-04
Well the alt is now posted FS on CA and CACO. I really didnt know what to ask so I started out at $250. Does that sound about right? Or too high/low?

Gold Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 1202
Registered: Jun-06
$250 is a steal. Im sure that will be sold within' the next week at that price.

Silver Member
Username: Skies

Tofino, British Colu... Canada

Post Number: 938
Registered: Aug-05
Yo Twiz you still got that alt? I'm interested, got the same truck as you and all.

Got specs yet?

Fit 4.3L?

Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

Crescendo Audio FTMFW!!, AA Havoc 15 ... Your Mom FTW!!

Post Number: 3690
Registered: May-04
Sold it already

Gold Member
Username: Somedonniedude

Illinois Braaap MX

Post Number: 3198
Registered: May-07
Gm intake gaskets= junk.

Not sure if it's actually the gaskets are cheap, someone once told me it was because of the manifolds warping, not sure it's true or not. Had to have a gasket done on my moms 3.4L impalla and when I got a junkyard motor for my 3.1L grand prix went ahead and got a new gasket for it to be safe, sure enough it was bad. A good freind of mine just had recently had his go bad in his 4.3 zr2

Silver Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 667
Registered: Oct-10
I had a 1998 Zr2 gasket went bad, oil annd water draining out of the KN filter. Touquey sumbitsh that 4.3 vortec was til it threw a rod. Replaced motor and tranny went out
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