Setting Gain Correctly


Silver Member
Username: Iamduff_87

Michigan America!

Post Number: 140
Registered: May-04
I read on the JL Audio site how to set the gains by using a AC Voltage Meter and a CD with a sine-wave testtone at 0db reference level at 50Hz. Where could I find a CD like this and how much and where could I find a decent AC Voltage Meter that would work for this reason. Thanks.

Silver Member
Username: Iamduff_87

Michigan America!

Post Number: 141
Registered: May-04
also i cannot find a voltage chart like they have for the JLs. is this maybe because i use MTX and they have unregulated power supplies where the power is different between 12v and 14.4v. Well i would use a 2ohm load on the 311d.

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 4062
Registered: Dec-03
get the IASCA test CD, or just search around for a CD at a music store that has test tones.
an alternative is to use a signal generator which is a device designed to generate test tone wavesines.

as for a "true RMS" AC digital multimeter, radio shack sells them for about $50 I believe, or any electronics catalog or on-line sales site that sells DMMs should carry true RMS models that can read AC RMS voltage.
I have one of radioshack's top of the line graphing PC-interface models and one from Fluke myself.
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