New member Username: Cb9869Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-04 | I Finnally figured out what i want (i hope, i do change my mind a lot ![]() ![]() thanks a lot guys |
New member Username: Cb9869Post Number: 2 Registered: Jul-04 | I could really use your guys help as im hoping to buy it today. Anyone, any ideas? Glass, jon? |
Silver Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 772 Registered: May-04 | The 12W7 takes 750W RMS. So, if you ABSOLUTELY plan to get another one, I'd go ahead and get a 1000/1 amplifier and be careful with it with the sub. It'll be cheaper than getting 2 500/1 amps and save more space. Turn the sub level down on the head unit or something of that nature, if you run them on rear speaker preouts you could fade them out. If you have the money, get the W7, I wouldn't recommend a different JL unless you go the single 13W7 route with a 1000/1 (which won't hit as hard as the two 12s, SQ will be similar). A JBL 1200.1 would work, but I would get the JL amp for sound quality purposes, also with the H.O. box you'll need to set the infrasonic filter (which the JBL 1200.1 doesn't have). |
Silver Member Username: GrmncrsnbrVA Post Number: 233 Registered: Jun-04 | well this is just me but i wouldnt run the first sub until you have both so that you have abtter chance of them both lasting the same amount of time. And that way you can break them in at the same time also rather han breaking one in and getting used to it being loud then having to turn it down again |
New member Username: Cb9869Post Number: 3 Registered: Jul-04 | Yeah you're right jon... the deal is i like to buy my stuff off ebay, and i can get the 1 12w7 and a high output box for around 300 not shipped... it's used a little (so he claims) but that seems like such a good deal, but by the end of the summer i am hoping to customize the whole back of my jeep the way i like, with 2 w7's so room doesnt seem to be a problem (once i get rid of the H.O. box and go custom) Should i jump on that deal? Or wait till the end of the summer and buy everything at the same time... i can probably get 2 500.1 for the same price as a 1000.1 on ebay, just i could get one 500 now just to have one in my car... let me know your opinion ![]() thanks so much guys! |
New member Username: Cb9869Post Number: 4 Registered: Jul-04 | The bid ends in 24 hours, so it be awsome to hear if that is a good deal or not jon... sorry to bump, but im reallly considering it! i could probably buy one new for around 440 shipped from this guy (w/o box) |
Silver Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 780 Registered: May-04 | Good deal if it's in good shape. You could get two 500/1's, but you'll need a distribution block and run 2 guage preferably to that. The benefit of two 500/1 over a 1000/1 is that the amps will both see a 3 ohm load instead of the 1000/1 being pushed pretty far with the 1.5 ohm load. You'll have more headroom and better SQ, and less heat from each amp. I wouldn't run a 12W7 an exceptionally long time off a 1000/1, but as long as you don't push it too hard it'll be o.k. JL is conservative with their ratings. You might as well get the H.O box and save the money on the sub instead of paying 400 new. You may be happy enough as it is with 1 12W7 in the H.O. enclosure, great SQ and a lot of SPL for one sub, you may not even want two. If you plan to run it for a couple months, just get the 500/1. |
New member Username: Cb9869Post Number: 5 Registered: Jul-04 | I agree, i sent an email to him hoping for the truth on the condition etc. Hell it may be enough, but who knows. I can hook everything up and then in the next 2 months we will see where my plan on the whole custom trunk thing is. If i get a good response from him, ill go ahead and get that and hook it up to 1 500.1, thanks a lot man, couldnt make decisions with out ya! thanks again! |
New member Username: Cb9869Post Number: 6 Registered: Jul-04 | k i ordered the 1 w7 in the H.O. box, now im going to get a 500.1 like you said jon, but a guy at the local JL dealer recommended I should get the JL amp kit. Should i JL get or spend less money and just get a regular 4 ga. from Btw, is it possible to hook up 2 amps, to one amp kit so i dont have to buy another later on down the road? ( JL does sell a amp kit for 2 amps) Thanks again! |
Silver Member Username: Iamduff_87Michigan America! Post Number: 139 Registered: May-04 | no you wont need a new amp kit. you will need 1 power dist block. some 8 gauge wire. and a new pair of RCA cables. thats it |
New member Username: Cb9869Post Number: 7 Registered: Jul-04 | okay thanks, so should i go ahead and have the guy order me a JL amp kit, or just buy one from Or is it possible to use my old kit for my 311D, i believe its 4 gage, I have RCA's and all the other stuff, but i dont know if its up to par with the JL im getting. Thanks again man! |
Silver Member Username: Davids2004Houston, TX USA Post Number: 330 Registered: Jun-04 | On that jl sub can you wire it at 2 ohms. |
Silver Member Username: JayjLouisiana USA Post Number: 333 Registered: May-04 | Chris if you already have a 4 gauge kit use it. Don't pay all that money for that JL kit it will be the same as the one from knukonceptz just in a different package. Good Luck with that 12W7 Also to Davids no you can't wire that sub to 2ohms cause it is a SVC with 3ohm voice coil. |
Silver Member Username: Davids2004Houston, TX USA Post Number: 335 Registered: Jun-04 | So im guessing you can wire it to 3 ohms then. If thats the case take a look at the xtant A6001T on ebay. It will proably put out as much wattage as the jl 500.1 and be about half the price. It puts out 600 at 2 ohms and 300 at 2 ohms so proably about 450 at 3 ohms. Almost as much as the jl audio. Also it will put out the same wattage no matter what the voltage is. |
New member Username: Cb9869Post Number: 8 Registered: Jul-04 | just got done looking at some old recipts, looks like I got a 8 gauge for my 311D ![]() ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Davids2004Houston, TX USA Post Number: 342 Registered: Jun-04 | Get the 4 gauge kit from It will cost you about 38.00 shipped. It will take about 3-4 days at most and is very high quality. |
New member Username: Cb9869Post Number: 9 Registered: Jul-04 | Alrighty, i just got my one 12w7 in the JL H.O. Box and it looks awsome! (thing is huge) Now i am just waiting for my next paycheck to go and gobble up a 500.1 like you guys said. Then ill get the knukonceptz 4 gauge like u said david. But last night I came across this RK:MEWA:IT I'ts the new JBL GTO1201.1 amp that replaced the BP1200.1. It is rated at 787 watts RMS x 1 @ 4 ohms. And its a lot cheaper then a used 500.1. Now to my thinking is, the JL runs 500 at 3 ohms, and this spits out 787 at 4 ohms and its cheaper? So i'm thinking this a good choice my sub is rated at 750 rms. 787 might be pushing it a little but not to much? Let me know jon what you think... maybe there is something i dont know or whatever, but thanks again, cant wait to get this bad boy hooked up! |
Silver Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 818 Registered: May-04 | The JL amps put out closer to 650-700 watts RMS, they're severely underrated. You have to remember that the JL sub is 3 ohms, with the JBL running a 3 ohm load the power will be in the 900+ range. You'll have to be very careful not to push the sub too hard. The JL amp will have better sound quality than the JBL, won't overpower it, and has more features such as an infrasonic filter, which you need with the H.O box. |
New member Username: Cb9869Post Number: 10 Registered: Jul-04 | well you did it again (always giving good advice). Sounds good ill get a JL, thanks again ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Cb9869Post Number: 11 Registered: Jul-04 | well I would be ordering my amp this thursday, but i had an unexpected turn of events yesterday. I totaled my car :-, i was lucky to walk out alive, let alone with no injuries on anyone in the car (thank you Mr. seatbelt). So i have to put everything on hold. Thank god i had not put my w7 in the car yet. I am going to be taking out a loan, and will be buying a new car soon (most likely an explorer or a blazer) So I'll have to wait until i get the car and then put some money away for the amp. So you know what that means, a bigger car = more trunk space ![]() |