Alpine iva-d300 parking break bypass box question


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Username: Ricosuave420

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jun-11
hi, i bought an automatic video lockout bypass for my alpine iva-d300 and i had my buddy install it, he at school right now in a different state so i cant go to him but i want this problem fixed asap but unfortunate i have literally no experience or knowledge about how to work on these things, so my problem is after my buddy installed "the black box bb-r3" made by R AND R SPECIALTY and it worked perfectly the first time but ever since then it hasent worked at all and its really starting to annoy the crap out of me because the 2 lights on the box that say foot brake and parking brake are both lit up so im completely stumped, can anyone please please help me this is SO ANNOYING, this is the link to the box that i bought, thanks for any and all help ?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cb0afb0c0 and any directions anyone has can if you dont mind made them idiot proof because thats kinda what i am right now lol

New member
Username: Ricosuave420

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jun-11
and yea i know i spelled brake wrong in my title post, i cant spell at all
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