Sweet sub. I have a few questions. Why is the SDX10 300W RMS?
The SDX15 models great, 3.375 cuft = Q .707 @ 34.8 Hz. Moves a tonne of air in a sealed box, SD 790 * xmax 30mm * 8 woofers = 189600, the air movement equivalent of 28.75 SDX10's, both would call for the same power and space (27 cubes NET on 8K).
Why did CSS stop selling them?
Does having XBL^2 mean you can throw a lot more on it than rated, given it doesn't go past mechanical clearance, without damage? It would be cool to have an SQ sub you could burp.
What do you reckon it could handle in 3.375 cubes sealed before reaching mechanical limits?
I have an 05 RE XXX 12, would they sound similiar?