New member
Username: God5mack

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-11
hey everyone...i'm new to the forum and i'm looking for a good hu, want to spend no more than $300 with taxes. Also if anyone could be a huge help I will also need two speakers for my 81 Malibu Classic 4dr Sedan. I'm not sure of the size but they look to be about 4". I'd really appreciate the help.

Silver Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 978
Registered: Jun-06
Hey Jacob, for your Malibu, here are the Speaker sizes for your vehicle:

Dash: 3 1/2"
Front Door: 4"
Rear Deck: 4"x10"

As far as a new Deck goes, here are a few suggestions:

Alpine iDA-X305S (iPod use only):

Alpine CDE-123:

Kenwood eXcelon KDC-X695:

Pioneer MVH-P8300BT:

Pioneer DEH-P7200HD:

New member
Username: God5mack

Post Number: 2
Registered: May-11
thanks for the help joe...when i get around to it i think i will be going with the pioneer-DEH-P7200HD considering the reviews i read. i also have another question. i'm wondering if you see any reason why these two speakers would not fit in my malibu.

Bronze Member
Username: Joe1234

Post Number: 48
Registered: May-09
When your car wont fit decent sized speakers you must custom install by resizing existing holes, 4" speakers without support from other speakers will produce small and unnatural sound that will distort easily at higher power levels, 6.5" speakers should at least be used, if you plan to connect your speakers directly to your HU then its better to use high sensitivity speakers ( 92 dB or more) .

New member
Username: God5mack

Post Number: 3
Registered: May-11
well i would really like to replace the stock dash speakers with something good...they're 3.5" any suggestions? i would like a good pair, i certainly wouldn't want to spend more than $300 for both including taxes. as for the door speakers they are only 4" and i really don't want to modify my door that much considering the car is a classic. if i do have to modify it more than i like what are some suggestions? the back dash for the 4x10's is a very narrow dash...and would be hard to imagine anything besides a 4x10 fitting in there. i'm open to any speaker suggestions. it's just the reviews on hertz speakers that i've seen, by the sounds of it i can't really go wrong...i don't care for really bassy speakers i like something with a clear mix of highs mids and lows.

Bronze Member
Username: Joe1234

Post Number: 49
Registered: May-09
Since you dont have space on the rear deck I would really try some 6.5" coaxial speakers on the doors if you decided to try a custom install, no need for additional speakers as a start, you have many brands to choose from: CDT, DLS, Rainbow, maybe Polk Audio are all good choices. Hertz are nice if you can find them cheap. Its always better to hear what you will buy first. A Pioneer HU + 6.5" speakers will match the $300 goal you are seeking, If you go for stock sized speakers just keep in mind that you will have small sound that will easily distort. Also make sure that your HU has audio equalization feature.

New member
Username: God5mack

Post Number: 4
Registered: May-11
hey joe. i've decided to go with the Pioneer DEH-P7200HD. Also i'm trying to find prices on the, SR6500 6-1/2" Diameter by Polk Audio but I'm having difficulties. Do you happen to know approximately how much these speakers are?

New member
Username: God5mack

Post Number: 5
Registered: May-11
any good 3.5" to 4" speakers out there?

New member
Username: God5mack

Post Number: 6
Registered: May-11
would i be able to place the tweeter part of those components in my dash?

New member
Username: God5mack

Post Number: 7
Registered: May-11
one last question...when looking at components what is the box that usually comes along with them? is that a crossover?

New member
Username: God5mack

Post Number: 8
Registered: May-11
one last question...when looking at components what is the box that usually comes along with them? is that a crossover?

Bronze Member
Username: Joe1234

Post Number: 50
Registered: May-09
The Polks you mention are apparently discontinued, those are really a component set (rather expensive I guess) you get 2 midbass drivers, 2 tweeters and 2 passive crossovers, sure you can place the tweeters anywhere you want but most of the times those should be located near the midbass drivers for best results, I would go for simple coaxial speakers just because they are inexpensive and easier to install BUT if you go for a component set you can achieve much better sound quality, sensitivity should be at least 92dB and no less than 4 ohm impedance for any speaker driven by the HU directly. About 3.5" speakers those are not really necessary if you install 6.5"s just avoid buying a noname brand, there are inexpensive 3.5"s from Polk audio.

Silver Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 979
Registered: Jun-06
Hey Jacob, sorry it took awhile to respond. I've been quite busy this weekend.

The Polk SR6500 6-1/2's that you mentioned above are in fact discontinued. I have tried to do some digging to see if there were some used or new ones, but had no luck. Sorry!

However, I have taken the liberty of selecting some "Entry Level" Speakers at an affordable price range for your Malibu. If it comes down to it that your willing to spend more money ($300+) or, willing to do some custom fabrication, let me know and we will talk more on the matter.


Pioneer TS-A878:

Kicker KS350:


Pioneer TS-D1002R:

Kicker KS40:

Alpine SPS-410:

JL Audio C2-400x:

RAINBOW KX 100: 0899?pt=Car_Speakers&hash=item19bead4d13


Kicker KS410:

Pioneer TS-A4103:

Kenwood KFC-415C:

If you wanted my opinion on what to get, with your price range I would personally get the Pioneer TS-A878 for your 3-1/2's and I would purchase 2 set of the RAINBOW KX 100's. One set for your door and one set to replace the 4x10's.
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