My receiver can pump out 75x2 @ 8ohms RMS (home audio is 8ohm). So i'm not looking for smoe monster 600watt RMS sub...something around 100RMS should be alright...I'm running a Single 8" right now, its some cheap red sub from walmart that i got for $5 on sale. Its ok but its way too much over powered, the subs rated at 25 RMS and 50 max. I dont care if i blow the sub so it doesn't matter to me if i run it too high, i just want smoething that will be better and give off some crisper bass. Anyone got any other suggestions?
*sigh* 75x2. Did you think that you have speakers to push, too?
1.)75w RMS isn't nearly enough to power a sub. You MIGHT get a faint rumble-maybe. I have a 690W receiver (100x6, 90x1, and a preout) that I run my kappa with for the moment (car is phucced up). I get throaty bass out of it with 2 channels bridged to 300w; although, this isn't good for the sub. I've got the 2 channels bridged pushing 16ohms, the sub is wired in parrallel at 2 ohms. I need to rewire it into parralell and just run both coils off 100w. 2.)You arent going to find any 100wRMS subs that have DVC's so that you could run it at 8ohms. That would make it 50w/coil. Not gonna happen unless you buy from wal-mart. 3.)You say the sub you have now is overpowered? You'll be FAR underpowering any good sub with your Piece of $#!t receiver pumping 75w to it.
Lynch, signing off. *wipes sweat off head*
Richard Adams
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Ive got a Yamaha RX-V995 reciever and im putting 100 watts to a 15" pioneer in a downfiring sand filed box and its hitting hard but im afraid to tell you bro your reciever aint gonna power that big of a sub.